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Type: Posts; User: Amy

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  1. Replies

    What does high ast and alt mean?

    I am a healthy, recently turned 30 yr old woman, and I don't drink. I recently received my lab results from blood work done at my works health center. My AST and ALT is high. 52 and 107 respectively....
  2. can i put a bell sim card into a rogers phone?

    i was given an iPhone and was wondering if i could take my bell SIM card from my galaxy android phone and put it into my iPhone which had a rogers SIM card and if ill get charged by my phone company...
  3. ha no.

    ha no.
  4. Replies

    We used to get about 20mpg with ours, sometimes a...

    We used to get about 20mpg with ours, sometimes a little more. I can't remember the tank size, but you can google it.

  5. Replies

    Custom shot glasses with out min. order?

    Hello, I am looking to order about 15 custom printed shot glasses. and i have looked EVERY where!!!! and well the only thing i seem to keep finding is cheap shot glasses yes, if you order like 100....
  6. Replies

    Do you like your iPhone?

    Well..I finally have enough money to buy an iPhone (which is pretty expensive here in my Country) but I hear a lot of people saying that they dislike their iPhone and should have gotten some other...
  7. Is it possible to rewrite or add to code for an internet browser?

    I really like my Mozilla Firefox already, but if I wanted to customize it to my own liking by adding certain features, could I do that? How would I go about such a thing? I'm currently learning C and...
  8. Interesting... I'm not surprised we have such...

    Interesting... I'm not surprised we have such high percentages in education and business.

    "73% of Asian and Pacific Islanders households are made up of families." This also shows the collective...
  9. Wat 2 Do my parents kicked me out then brought me back and said i could stay or...

    ...moveout but ill be emancipated? Im 16 If i stay ill have to go see a counselor and ill have a lot more restrictions they said once i walk out that door im out but when im living with them im...
  10. Why does pee smell the way it does? And how many different varieties of smells can

    pee have? Urine...
  11. What is the best place for vacation? Where have you went for your favorite vacation?

    I Gotta Knowwwwwwww.
  12. These people aren't as bad as the people who...

    These people aren't as bad as the people who complain about the day of the week. "Ugh, it's Monday again!" "Ohh, it's only Tuesday!" "At least it's Wednesday- halfway through the week." "Thursday...
  13. You ABSOLUTELY need anatomy. Your dental health...

    You ABSOLUTELY need anatomy. Your dental health affects you entire body.
  14. Replies

    I can't get itunes to download?

    i went to the site...clicked download went through all the steps and then this thing poped up saying that the admin set up a policy preventing this download.

    what can i do to fix that?
    i need it...
  15. Why do I argue with my mum so much? She seems so unreasonable all the time. I hate

    being at home? It's like a constant battle field. I feel like she really doesn't care for my feelings, yet it's what she says I do.

    I really don't want to be hypocritical, so actively try not to...
  16. How come my Windows Vista keyboard question makr key sometimes turns into a...

    ...é? how do i undo that? why it is always doing that? i really need help. i need to do my homework on microsoft word but everytime i press the question mark key or the turns into a...
  17. have you any toys for him? sit in a quiet room...

    have you any toys for him? sit in a quiet room with just you and him together. Sit with your back facing him holding his toy. puppies are inquisitive he should eventually come to see what you are...
  18. Replies

    How do I get my sister's bedroom?

    My sister has the biggest bedroom in the house and I have the smallest. She is in her third year of university and unlikely to live at home for very long in the summer before finding her own place to...
  19. I'm bisexual, but only attracted to gay guys. Does that mean I'm a lesbian?

    I'm still a teenager, so I guess my sexuality's supposed to be messing me around till I'm like 25 or something. Still, I'm really confused.

    I've had relationships/flings with four or five girls,...
  20. Replies

    okay, here u go!!! [tip:make it layered with...

    okay, here u go!!! [tip:make it layered with diff. colors]
  21. Replies

    I think my boyfriend might be gay?

    I just have this real gut instinct that my boyfriend is gay or bisexual.

    Has anyone ever felt like this before? How did it turn out?
  22. i'm getting a baby sun conure and cant think of a good name?

    i will know if its a boy or girl i'm getting it DNA sexed so i have to find a boy and girl name, i was looking for tropical but i'm not picky
  23. When im having problems with my boyfriend, he asks...?

    i havent been talking to my boyfriend lately because im really upset. i love him a lot though but he would ask me, " why are even still with me? im a terrible boyfriend "

    i kept telling him he...
  24. Replies

    can religion and science coexist?

  25. Replies

    Few if any neo-pagans practice the way the...

    Few if any neo-pagans practice the way the ancient Greeks and Romans did. They honor the same deities but in different ways. The consciousness of modern humans has advanced quite a bit since...
Results 1 to 25 of 402
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