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Type: Posts; User: Elizabeth

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  1. if usa goverment would decide to remove all paper money and leave digital money only?

    if usa goverment would decide to remove all paper money and leave digital money only?

    also people would get 2 months, to bank their paper money.if they dont do it,all that money would have zero...
  2. Is there an app for BlackBerry Z10 which I can use to download Android apps?

    I've just got the blackberry z10 and I was quite annoyed that I can't download Kik, Tumblr or Snapchat. I read somewhere that you can use android apps to download it but I can't find one. Could you...
  3. What makes you laugh? What kind of funny youtube videos could I make?

    Im a 17 year old girl and struggle to come up with original youtube ideas
  4. Replies

    because he didn't have a body to take

    because he didn't have a body to take
  5. how do i start my introduction on the constitution guards against tyranny?

    its going to be about federalism, separation of powers and checks and balances but i don't know how to start.
  6. Replies

    what kind of blackberry has apps ??

    I know some have blackberry world apps so which are those I need it for Skype so I can vid chat with my boyfriend and also which ones have front camera's ???
  7. Um... I don't think it's wrong because it's not...

    Um... I don't think it's wrong because it's not real. I mean, I don't find it hilarious but it doesn't really matter. Maybe someone else would find it funny.
  8. This older guy likes my 13 year old daughter, what should I do?

    There's this guy who lives right across the street from our house (a bachelor in his 30s) and he's been talking to my 13 year old daughter a lot, she's been acting friendly to him too and going...
  9. Replies

    Should Obama be a celebrity?

    Since he has so many "fans" he should just go to Hollywood and become an actor.
    Isabella, I don't need a grammar and word usage lesson from you.
  10. I recommend the west coast over staying in Oslo,...

    I recommend the west coast over staying in Oslo, but I guess it depends what you want to see and do. Oslo is like a smaller, less beautiful Stockholm. It's okay, but the other major cities here are...
  11. I recommend the west coast over staying in Oslo,...

    I recommend the west coast over staying in Oslo, but I guess it depends what you want to see and do. Oslo is like a smaller, less beautiful Stockholm. It's okay, but the other major cities here are...
  12. Girls: Cute, or pretty, or sexy, or beautiful,or classy... which one describes

    your style? cute, or pretty, or sexy, or beautiful,or classy...
    which one describes your style ? what do you usually prefer to wear ?
    what kind of clothes do you prefer to wear in your style ?
  13. cute, or pretty, or sexy, or beautiful,or classy... which one describes your style?

    cute, or pretty, or sexy, or beautiful,or classy...
    which one describes your style ? what do you usually wear ?
  14. Replies

    Does Baby P have a real name?

    Why is everyone calling this poor baby Baby P????

    Dont the English give their babies proper names anymore???

    For the sake of the poor child shouldnt everyone show him some respect and atleast...
  15. Can you think of a weird and funny word, no more than 7 letters?

    Doesnt have to mean anything, just catchy and funny!
  16. At what age are you required to have a passport for international travel?

    For infants, do you need both parents signature, or just the signature of the parent with full legal custody?
  17. Corn snake. They're calm, usually nice,...

    Corn snake.
    They're calm, usually nice, nonvenomous and they don't eat anything much bigger than a large rat.
    And you should get one that's albino..only because I want one but I'm not allowed to...
  18. Replies

    Question on albino turtles?

    I asked this question earlier.
    Where could I buy an albino aquatic turtle or tortoise (not a sulcata tortoise)? I live in Phoenix.
    I know they're rare, but I'm unsure if they need special caring...
  19. That just about answer all questions'.

    That just about answer all questions'.
  20. That just about answer all questions'.

    That just about answer all questions'.
  21. Replies

    no, of course they don't. only real people can...

    no, of course they don't.
    only real people can do that. ;)
    haha, you're weird.
  22. dlisted

  23. Replies

    Yes. My mom taught me.

    Yes. My mom taught me.
  24. Paris Hilton Miley Cyrus Jonas Brothers

    Paris Hilton
    Miley Cyrus
    Jonas Brothers
  25. How can I configure my HTC Fuze cell from ATT to interrupt sleep mode when I...

    ...receive email/text messages? My HTC Fuze instruction book states that the sleep mode can be interrupted by pressing the power key and when I receive incoming calls and messages. But my phone...
Results 1 to 25 of 179
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