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Type: Posts; User: EvanB

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  1. Replies

    How can I make my Volvo 850 cooler?

    I have a white volvo 850 and i like it but it still has the volvo factor, that its so slow, so i floor it half the time, etc. I have a sub, and it's tinted, but still, its a 95 white volvo 850, and...
  2. Can you replace the lip on the front bumper of a 95 Volvo 850?

    The gray lip on the front bumper, i just don't like how it looks, can you replace that and the gray trim all the way around and the lip on the back?
  3. how do UFC fighters heal cuts on their faces really fast? ?

    after each round it seems like the medical team cleans up the fighters quite well with a bunch of topical anesthetic creams...
  4. Replies

    '95 Volvo 850 antenna removal help?

    the antenna on my volvo (sedan) bent and then broke and im trying to remove it but am having trouble taking off the black nob on the very top of the mast. ive tried twisting it as if it were a nut,...
  5. Help! I just ate old food! Will I get food poisoning?

    So here's the deal, I ate nachos that were sitting out on a (screened) porch for up to a month-month and a half. It has been primarily very cold with the exception of two or three days in which the...
  6. Replies

    what are the best games on ps2 in 2009?

    give your opinion
  7. wow this is a strange question im gonna have to...

    wow this is a strange question im gonna have to say scarlett johannson
  8. Replies

    Guys stop growing between 20 and 22

    Guys stop growing between 20 and 22
  9. Replies

    No its terrible.

    No its terrible.
  10. What is the definition of an enclosed subwoofer system?

    What does it have in the enclosure? Just an amp and the sub?
  11. Replies

    How do you move a song in Itunes?

    Let's say I have the album dark side of the moon by pink floyd, but the song eclipse, which is basically pt 2 of the song brain damage, comes before brain damage, is there any way i can move the...
  12. Replies

    None of those. The new Lincoln Nav. or the...

    None of those. The new Lincoln Nav. or the Porsche Cayenne
  13. Yes...but i wont! tee-hee!

    Yes...but i wont! tee-hee!
  14. Yes...but i wont! tee-hee!

    Yes...but i wont! tee-hee!
  15. Replies

    good considering how old it is, most cars now a...

    good considering how old it is, most cars now a days dont get that even on highway. so its good
  16. Replies

    need help finding movie links...?

    Does any1 know where to find this movie?
    or any of these:
    Where the Truth Lies: Unrated Edition (2005)
    Siesta (1987)
    Sin City: Recut, Extended, and Unrated (2005)
    Female Perversions (1997)
  17. Replies

    Capacitor Imput???

    I just got a new amp. The Lanzar MXA252, my last amp had a capacitor imput for it but the new lanzar doesnt, it only has a low in imput. is that the capacitor imput or should i just sell that amp...
  18. How do I delete the Internet Explorer folder in Program Files?

    Today, I was experimenting with some IE7 add-ons (I didn't really like them but whatever). After the uninstallation of a certain add-on, some components were not removed. This is really annoying...
  19. is this pocketbike able to ride inside the white line in minnesota??????

    ok i was wondering if a 49cc pocketbike with 8 inch wheels would be able to ride inside the white line on roads in Minnetonka, hopkins minnesota
  20. Replies

    internet history? my parents have an internet history spyware system setup on my computer, as well as the entire network. how can i get through it? does the simple control panel, internet options way work, or...
  21. Replies

    Master Reset on Motorola V3r?

    Is there a way to do a master reset on a motorola v3r? I don't know the security code.
  22. Replies

    Fixing PS3 by formatting HDD on PC?

    Ok so I was playing Tekken 5 online and I had just won a match and the HDD icon came up (the one that means don't turn off your PS3 when flashing) when suddenly my power goes out. So I turn my...
  23. Can you create a new xbox live account from a current membership?

    I have played a ton of Halo 3 games on my xbox 360 live account and it impedes my ranking up, i would like to basically clear my account of all the games previously played, when i used to be bad, how...
  24. Replies

    guinea pig advice?

    well yester daii i was playing with my babie guinea pig and she got out the run and in accidentally steppeed on her what can i do i have took her to the vets thay sed she was just shaken up so please...
Results 1 to 24 of 24
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