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Type: Posts; User: nathan

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  1. What do I do to not show what I do on the internet?

    I used to often switch pages when my parents entered my room, but they don't like it beacause it looks suspicius. I have all sorts of tastes and don't think that they need to see it.
  2. Replies

    Internet accesses on O2?

    I recently got my samsung xcover 2 unlocked from orange to O2, yet I can't access the internet, what is the key word I send away to O2 for my internet to start working?
  3. Replies

    Motorola Photon 4G Sprint wont work?

    Okay so I have a Motorola 4G from Sprint. Not one of the new ones with a keyboard. I recently rooted my phone about 3 months ago, then it could never connect to the network. I can do everything like...
  4. Replies

    Speed Cameras - M6 North West to Birmingham.?

    Are the camera like devices on the bridges on the M6 speed cameras or trafficmaster management cameras to measure the flow of traffic. There's one above each lane, but on my sat-nav, there's no...
  5. Replies

    Country for the Truck?

    I'm looking for more songs preferably about vehicles. Actually country, NOT Rascal Flatts, or Kenny Chesney.
  6. In my religion all of the girls would be required...

    In my religion all of the girls would be required to be hot and fun and all of the guys would drive pickup trucks, like whiskey and smoke. everybody would have to be patriotic and like country...
  7. Replies

    So I guess I'm officially bisexual?

    I stilll very much prefer guys and only intend to persue guys but I just saw this smoking hot sexy african-american fox walk in wearing a silver fur coat and high-heels. OMG I would totally ... that...
  8. I'm Christian, not a bible thumper but I love God...

    I'm Christian, not a bible thumper but I love God and America. I like learning about other religions ... I like asking people what they believe and why because it can be like a whole new way to see...
  9. You can attempt to sell anything you like but you...

    You can attempt to sell anything you like but you still need traffic. Who is going to come to your site and how is anyone going to know your site exists? It's not so much a mater of finding a product...
  10. Replies

    Can I use this router for my psp? I bought it and i don't know if im useing it wrong or it just dosent even work with it? Can you help me Thanks!
  11. why does my netgear adapter drop internet connection to 1mbps after 5 mins...

    ...on internet? please help thank you
  12. Replies

    Should I let my nephew come live with me?

    My nephew's never had a dad around, so I've helped raise him. I'm kind of like a big brother/dad kind of character to him. I've taught him to hunt and fish and work on cars. My nephew's 15 and I'm...
  13. Yes indeed I love how Obama is so socialist ......

    Yes indeed I love how Obama is so socialist ... ehrm, I mean sociable.
  14. Have any of you guys ever been to a Gay Bath House?

    What's it like? There's one down the street from my place but I'm scared to check it out.
  15. Replies

    Do you want to sex him up? If so, you're at least...

    Do you want to sex him up? If so, you're at least bi.
  16. Just like with straight couples it's domestic...

    Just like with straight couples it's domestic violence and unacceptable. I suggest you get out of the relationship now.
  17. How to troubleshoot fuel injector on Volvo?

    I'm getting spark and compression, and the fuel seems to be pumping. I assume the injectors aren't firing. I used a multimeter to test the voltage at the injector connectors, and the reading was...
  18. It's probably fire brigade, they use cars too.

    It's probably fire brigade, they use cars too.
  19. It's probably fire brigade, they use cars too.

    It's probably fire brigade, they use cars too.
  20. DNT TRIP!!!!! he can have all the girlfriends he...

    DNT TRIP!!!!! he can have all the girlfriends he wants at that age, he aint gettin n e thing, trust me. n if you start dating lyk crazy now den its gonna look REAL bad wen ur older in high-sckool....
  21. have you tried cleaning it?

    have you tried cleaning it?
  22. is it possible to use the LG Dare as a web cam?

    i was just wondering if i could use my LG Dare as a webcam
  23. Replies

    if the person in front of me reclines their seat...

    if the person in front of me reclines their seat ... i'm already stuffed in like a sardine.
  24. Replies

    Should I let my nephew smoke with me?

    So I'm 24 and have a 15 year old nephew. I helped raise him because he doesn't have a dad around. I smoke and my nephew started a few months ago. I spend a good deal of time with my nephew such as...
  25. well if ur really desperate u can send the pics...

    well if ur really desperate u can send the pics to ur email in a pix message then save them
Results 1 to 25 of 140
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