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Type: Posts; User: Hannah

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  1. Replies

    Dream answer.. Can anybody help me?

    I had a dream that I was on a school trip. It was an all girls trip. We were in a cabin and had to sleep in a huge living room. We were baking cupcakes, then this girl told me to sleep. She kept...
  2. Replies

    Explain this joke to me?

    Jeff Dunham: You proposed to your wife?
    Bubba J: No her daddy did that for me
    Jeff Dunham: How did that work out?
    Bubba J: We were supposed to go out at 7. But when I got there at 7:30 her daddy...
  3. Replies

    Explain this joke to me?

    Jeff Dunham: You proposed to your wife?
    Bubba J: No her daddy did that for me
    Jeff Dunham: How did that work out?
    Bubba J: We were supposed to go out at 7. But when I got there at 7:30 her daddy...
  4. Sci Fi/ Dystopian Indie Film Humans Computerized?

    I saw a preview for an indie sci fi/ dystopian? Film sometime last year I think. People were embedded with computer chips that allowed them to use the internet wherever something. Some technological...
  5. According to Carl Rogers, what famous person would be considered fully

    functional or self actualized? And why?
  6. How do I find the Base Curve and Diameter of my eye?

    Im trying to get contacts but I need to know the Base Curve and Diameter of my eyes
  7. Replies

    The iPhone.......................?

    I want to get an iPhone but I know that as soon as I get one they will come out with a way better cooler one.

    I am getting a new phone in the summer. What new features will the iPhones have?
  8. Most: Johnny Depp Jackson Rathbone (Jasper...


    Johnny Depp
    Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale)


    Zac Efron
  9. Best vacation for a 50yo single woman looking to meet men, but not for casual sex?

    Recently separated, kids with husband this week. Would like to go somewhere either warm or an active US resort, to meet and socialize with men, but not in a tacky way. Haven't vacationed alone in 22...
  10. I have Internet Explorer 7, should I download IE8?

    Please explain why I should go to IE8.
  11. Replies

    Here's a tip: don't do it. You'll get in huge...

    Here's a tip: don't do it. You'll get in huge trouble. It won't be worth it.
  12. Replies

    Ringtones for an LG RYTHM?

    I can't set any ringtones for my lg rythm, only ringtones i bluetoothed from my old cell phone. any idea how i can set ALL my ringtones?
  13. Replies

    BlackBerry Storm and iphone question?

    I am going to buy a blackberry Storm or iphone abroad. Am I going to be able to make it work for T-mobile network? Am I going to get into trouble for doing that?
  14. how can i live with out him? MATURE ANSWERS?

    My partner & i were together for almost 5 years and i love him so much, he was my world. He was killed last week i feel like i cant go on, i miss him so much..i need him. He had a dodgy life but i...
  15. Is the movie The Golden Compass good or worth watching?

    I've never seen the movie and everybody says it's not worth watching. So should I watch it or not? I saw the trailer: it looks alot like narnia and Harry Potter.
  16. its GREAT compared to the samsung glyde which...

    its GREAT compared to the samsung glyde which doesnt go to the intended destination. you can set your own personal calibration (how hard you push on the screen) so it reacts to your finger quite...
  17. its GREAT compared to the samsung glyde which...

    its GREAT compared to the samsung glyde which doesnt go to the intended destination. you can set your own personal calibration (how hard you push on the screen) so it reacts to your finger quite...
  18. Replies

    both have apps. yes there are entertaining/etc....

    both have apps. yes there are entertaining/etc. apps. iTouch does not have the capability of making phone calls; iPhone does, yeah you can use limewire, you get it stolen = sucks for you.
  19. no because verizon phones do not use sim cards,...

    no because verizon phones do not use sim cards, and at&t phones do.
    that makes it impossible.
  20. Replies

    iTouch apps wont work?

    so when i got my iTouch i downloaded a few applications. they worked great for a few days (three or so days..) and then they stopped working. they remain that way still. the only applications that...
  21. how can i live without him? MATURE ANSWERS!?

    My partner & i were together for almost 5 years and i love him so much, he was my world. He was killed last week i feel like i cant go on, i miss him so much..i need him. He had a dodgy life but i...
  22. Replies

    Looking for a diet buddy?

    Hey, I'm Hannah. I've been having a lot of trouble losing weight and I thought it might help for me to have someone to talk to about it. I'm looking for a girl who has similar stats to mine. We could...
  23. Replies

    Is a Samsung Digital Camera any good?

    Is a Samsung Digital Camera any good? or is it kinda cheep because its kinda crappy? I saw one in a store the other day and it looked nice, what with the anti-blur stuff, but i just wanna double...
  24. Replies

    Lg rumor keys messed up?

    Well today, my rumor's contacts key (The one above the back button), my back button, and my 4 button aren't working. They work sometimes when my keypad is open, but not when its just closed. This...
  25. Replies

    Sleeping Naked...(more inside)?

    Can you give me some opinions on Sleeping Naked? Better yet:
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