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Type: Posts; User: FutureCitizenofForvik

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  2. I like although I haven't listen to it for a...

    I like although I haven't listen to it for a while. My brother played it a bunch when he came back from being in the army and it grew on me.
  3. I think the "Girls Next Door" made it cool again....

    I think the "Girls Next Door" made it cool again. But I still see the push the socks down look where I live.
  4. As a Baptist which is in the Free Church...

    As a Baptist which is in the Free Church tradition, we make up our prayers and don't have fixed ones, so as long as a person can keep talking.
  5. Kaley Cuoco who is Penny from the Big Bang Theory...

    Kaley Cuoco who is Penny from the Big Bang Theory
    Jenna Elfman who was Dharma on Greg and Dharma
    Brooke Burke
  6. I recently switched to Firefox and so far I like...

    I recently switched to Firefox and so far I like it better.
  7. I like to think that I give them all a fair...

    I like to think that I give them all a fair shake. If I have the money I buy my favorite bands music. I pass on reissues and compilations and the DVDs are optional. I have often found that after a...
  8. You have a soft heart and a romantic spirit.

    You have a soft heart and a romantic spirit.
  9. Well for a long time diabetes was a slow painful...

    Well for a long time diabetes was a slow painful death sentence. There simply was not any treatment available other than drastically reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed and even that...
  10. How many people have gotten mugged after getting out of the Cash Cab?

    The winners always leave with a wad of cash. Looks like a prime target to me.
  11. Go into a sauna and sweat it off.

    Go into a sauna and sweat it off.
  12. A nutritionist is a four year degree. You might...

    A nutritionist is a four year degree. You might help people with certain diseases learn how to eat correctly in a hospital/out patient setting.
  13. A nutritionist is a four year degree. You might...

    A nutritionist is a four year degree. You might help people with certain diseases learn how to eat correctly in a hospital/out patient setting.
  14. Replies

    laser disks were awesome and they were hard to...

    laser disks were awesome and they were hard to scratch but people used vhs to make pronos so vhs won out. Now we are beyond that stage so I don't think blu ray is going away any time soon.
  15. Did your mom steal something? That is always a...

    Did your mom steal something? That is always a disturbing possibility.
  16. Replies

    Most 210 pound 13 year olds are fat. I guess you...

    Most 210 pound 13 year olds are fat. I guess you know that is more than an athletic 6'2" basketball player who average around 190 pounds. You have some hard work ahead of you to get fit and healthy...
  17. I have a laundry bag that I can take along. You...

    I have a laundry bag that I can take along. You get them at the laundry mat.
  18. I bet you just confused a bunch of people with...

    I bet you just confused a bunch of people with that question.

    I used to struggle with some of it, but I have applied a new philosophy to approach my religious beliefs so there is no discord.
  19. I bet you just confused a bunch of people with...

    I bet you just confused a bunch of people with that question.

    I used to struggle with some of it, but I have applied a new philosophy to approach my religious beliefs so there is no discord.
  20. I just listened again and I didn't hear that...

    I just listened again and I didn't hear that sound.
  21. I think that the cult of personality is alive and...

    I think that the cult of personality is alive and well all over the world. I fail to see how his use of the same Christian philosophy is accurate though. He is liberal and supports the right of...
Results 1 to 21 of 22
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