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Type: Posts; User: Grey

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  1. i'm confused about the 2009 celebrity all star game?

    Ok, i was watchin the 2009 celebrity game and i didn't know hew was on what team. There was the globetrotters with stripped shorts and then there was white jersey and blue. Can someone tell me why i...
  2. Mossad arranged this. Nothing else makes any...

    Mossad arranged this. Nothing else makes any sense.
  3. Replies

    Have you ever met a genius?

    I Met A Genius
    Charles Bukowski

    I met a genius on the train
    about 6 years old,
    he sat beside me
    and as the train
    ran down along the coast
    we came to the ocean
  4. What are a few poetic ways to talk about a shower?

    Instead of just saying shower, what could be a more poetic way of saying it?

    Odd question I know, :D
  5. You should check out: The Haunting What Lies...

    You should check out:
    The Haunting
    What Lies Beneath
    Sixth Sense
    High Tension
    Freddy vs Jason
    The Happening
  6. Does it cost money to connect to the internet on my macbook by using my... If it doesn't how do i do it? ? Thanks for your time
  7. Replies

    Spanish verbs in past and future tense?

    Does anyone have a site with tables for Ser and Estar in past and future?

  8. Replies

    I don't hate your life.

    I don't hate your life.
  9. Replies

    Planet X... THAT'S CRAP....I'm more into polar...

    Planet X... THAT'S CRAP....I'm more into polar shift myself.
  10. Is McCain really Mr Rogers or Ronald Regan born again (not possible)?

    Or better yet Ronald Regan went forward in time in a Delorean from 1985 to run for president with a very life like McCain mask...
  11. Replies

    Santa Clause thinks that's pretty naughty :P

    Santa Clause thinks that's pretty naughty :P
  12. Them are many more, especially to protect their...

    Them are many more, especially to protect their friends and cronies. It is damn sure not for you and me. Makes no sense. They meet behind closed doors to keep their secrets that we need to know....
  13. Replies

    Would you comment ?

    Christmas spirits

    The night was looming near
    When past the windows clear
    The steps of shoppers stomped so soft
    Handed wallets, coins and coughed

    Plastic wrapper crinkled, cried
    Little boy,...
  14. Replies

    What do you think of this video?

    This was taken with a digital still camera. How would this compare with a dedicated camcorder. I am thinking of buying HV20. Would quality be a lot better.

    chose HD is...
  15. Wow! I am a lizard; I thought I was the only...

    Wow! I am a lizard; I thought I was the only non-human on Yahoo! Answers. Maybe we should meet up and have a coffee sometime.
  16. Replies

    It just depends on what YOU want to do as a...

    It just depends on what YOU want to do as a career. Ask yourself these:
    Where do you see yourself working? What kind of environment- a laboratory? Office? Outdoors? Industry? Also, what do you enjoy...
  17. Replies

    What does an AV receiver do?

    Can someone please explain what the purpose of it is?
  18. Thread: How is this poem?

    by Grey

    How is this poem?

    Eulogy of man

    Do you remember my sister Hope
    That you betrayed by mortal hill
    Do you remember my mother’s light
    Fore it came a stone by night
    Do you remember my father’s words
    Fore they came...
  19. What do a plastic bag and Michael Jackson have in common?

    One of them Is white and hazardous to children, and the other is a plastic bag.
  20. Expert answers please. Camera for regular shots in Hollywood movies?

    Just regular shots with no particular angles or special effects or visual effects. For simple things such as two people talking in a diner. An with high quality like in any major motion picture....
  21. Experts answers please. What cameras are usually used for regular shots in

    Hollywood movies? Just regular shots with no particular angles or special effects or visual effects. For simple things such as two people talking in a diner. An with high quality like in any major...
  22. Replies

    Sony's MDR-7506 opinion?

    For people who own these, are they a good choice for lisening to DVD's or TV watching . Thanks a lot
  23. Yes, all the time!

    Yes, all the time!
  24. Replies

    exercise over 3 months?

    Ok, well its summer and I want to loose some excess weight to become fitter before the new football season. Im overweight, not largly, but ye, needs to be sorted out!! so, my plan is, to use the...
  25. Replies

    Here is one I vaguely remember , any good?

    A man and a woman from a village are trying to make a black baby. And the wife says "Maybe we should go to Africa, and get some help there" . So they arrive to Africa, and the husband speaks to one...
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