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  1. No. Celebrities look great because we only see...

    No. Celebrities look great because we only see them when they are meant to be seen. Perfect make up, perfect outfit... in real life most celebrities look pretty much like any other attractive person....
  2. Replies

    Well Robert, being bisexual does not mean that...

    Well Robert, being bisexual does not mean that she has to act on those feelings. I guess that on some level it is hurtful to think that you are not enough to keep her happy. I would suggest that you...
  3. Probably for the same reason that Bush calls them...

    Probably for the same reason that Bush calls them terrorists.
  4. Should we be worried about too much of religion in politics?

    I can’t believe a county like the US is into too much religion stuff now. Wasn’t this country ones know as the country that put a man on to the moon first? It seems we took the path that gets us back...
  5. Replies

    I decline to answer based on the fact that I am...

    I decline to answer based on the fact that I am not proud of myself for walking around with these answers in my head.
  6. Replies

    Led Zeppelin over Styx... and it ain't a close...

    Led Zeppelin over Styx... and it ain't a close race
    Nirvana over Foo Fighters... Dave is alive but he still borrows from Kurt.
    Weezer or Blink 182.... it is neck and neck, the both suck
    Green Day...
  7. Try letting things last a while and using many...

    Try letting things last a while and using many positions... if you start to lose your erection why not let your wife help you get it back? There are certain things that a lady can do that will...
  8. Why do so many women want to be seduced by...

    Why do so many women want to be seduced by married men over the Internet?
Results 1 to 8 of 8
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