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Type: Posts; User: <ItSmE>

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  1. If you're having SEX with a person, should you know who else they have sex with?

    Yes I think you'd want to know........mostly because you're thinking that you're the one that wants it to be exclusive.....and if it's not, you want to know that.......
  2. Do you think anything can be laughed at? Do you set limits to your sense of humor?

    I personally don't laugh at things that are not funny.
  3. If your wife won't have sex is that grounds for divorce?

    if u told me to take a cab u wouldn't be gettin it ether
  4. If a woman engages in consensual sex, feels remorse for her actions but does not express them to her partner?

    No, that would be absolutely ridiculous. If she gave informed consent before it happened, it's not rape, unless she tells him to stop in the middle of things and he refuses.
  5. Replies

    Should I reply or IGNORE his text?

  6. Replies

    Should I reply or IGNORE his text?

    Move on with your life. He was just using you. He's not worth the time.
  7. Replies

    How often are you suppose to have sex?

    It's healthy and I'm sure your in really good shape. I had sex 12 times a week over the summer and let me tell you something, I was ripped. It's a good alternative to cardio at the gym and a great...
  8. Replies

    Need advice on Boy name! Pick your favorite?

    3 is the only one I would pick.Please don't go with number 1 or.......... 6- poor kid will be called Sucker his whole life.
  9. Replies

    Need advice on Boy name! Pick your favorite?

    my vote goes to WAYLON JAMES!!second choice would be elijah james.and i love love love the girls name you have picked out! it is such a pretty name, and i love the spelling you chose!
  10. Replies

    Need advice on Boy name! Pick your favorite?

    I really like Elijah, Ryder, and Sutton.I think Elijah is very strong, though, and less trendy seeming than Ryder/Sutton. Plus, I like the ideas of using the nickname Eli - if you desired!
  11. True or False? Sex is a big part of a healthy adult relationship?

    Very trueSteveC
  12. Is it true that most women lose their sex drive, right after getting married ?

    lol. No women don't lose sex drive because they get married, maybe some of them just feel like they aren't obligated to have sex every night of the week.
  13. Is it true that most women lose their sex drive, right after getting married ?

    Usually not "right after" but they do eventually. Here's how it usually goes.1.Prior to marriage, sex is wild and constant.2.A year or so after the wedding, things start to slow down.3.A year or so...
  14. Is it true that most women lose their sex drive, right after getting married ?

    It's not true. What usually happens is that she is so overloaded with school, a full-time job, full-time housework, errands, etc. If her husband is helpful and supportive, that works wonders. On the...
  15. Replies

    Are you sick of annoying people in Y!A ?

    Those ignorant, immature teenyboppers actually think they're being smart when they do that, maybe in a few yrs. they'll look back and see just how stupid that siht really is...
  16. The guy that I like is going on holiday....?

    For god's sake girl. Why the hell would you still want to be with a guy who goes on holiday to get drunk and sleep with random girls??Why doesn't that make you think "Ah, well, he's not for...
  17. I can't get him out of my head??don't know what to do.........?

    It's very simple, you want him because he is spoken for.He proved that he CAN be loyal by rejecting the possibility of a relationship with a willing girl(you) and enduring the harsh agony of a long...
  18. Replies

    strawberry, blackberry or grape jam?

  19. Replies

    iphone or pink blackberry pearl?

    iPhone. i have one and am OBSESSED with it.
  20. Replies

    Where can i get this cell phone??

    Where besides eBay can i buy a cell phone that the phone store does not sell anymore? the online store doesnt even sell it anymore, no stores sell it and i really want it. where can i get it besides...
Results 1 to 20 of 20
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