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Type: Posts; User: AlisonS

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  1. Wanted: I am looking for a german shepherd/pitbull or boxer mix puppy. Does...

    ...anyone know of any for sale? I want the puppy to have at least german shephard in it and at least either pitbull oor boxer in it. if it has all 3 i would be in love! I would like to know if anyone...
  2. Is it normal for a doctor to refuse to take calls?

    I had a question for one of my doctors (gyno) and called the office. The lady answering the phone says he does not take calls for questions. I understand that doctors are very busy people, but it...
  3. Replies

    Wow, I think you do have a relatively good...

    Wow, I think you do have a relatively good chance. But I know that there are so many qualified students that apply there, so there may be others with just as good of a chance. But I have a feeling...
  4. Replies

    WWYD...mother-in-law question?

    My mother-in-law sent my husband an email with an attachment survey for drinking too much. We think this is very rude. They don't drink at all and we are totally normal drinkers. We are both...
  5. Replies

    Pre-Need Sales for Funeral home?

    has anyone had this job? how was it? i have never worked in sales but have an interview friday.
  6. Replies

    Who is this celebrity?
  7. dsl router/modem broken-what should I do? Buy a new one form ATT for $90 or

    can I buy it cheaper elsewhere? Apparently our 2Wire router with DSL modem is broken (so ATT tells us) The power is no longer going on so they said we needed to buy a new one. They gave us a number...
  8. Replies

    Jaguars vs. Buccaneers Stadium Question?

    I am going to be going to both the jax vs gb and bucs vs gb games. I am going to be getting my tickets off ebay. I can only afford to spend a lot on the tickets for one game. Would it be better to...
  9. Indesit D61D dishwasher keeps tripping house electrics and has no water going in?

    I have an Indesit D61D that is consistently tripping the RCD breaker in my house when it gets a couple of minutes into any cycle. When you start a cycle it sort of chugs and whirs like it is trying...
Results 1 to 9 of 9
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