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Type: Posts; User: Rachelle

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  1. TEACHERS - HOw to deal with a group of girls in my class that just laugh and talk...

    ...even though its a top set ? I speak to them and have told form tutors ect... But they just laugh it off and don't seem to listen . My class is 14 - 15 year olds. Any tips or other similar tales...
  2. Why doesn't yahoo messenger the google android app work?

    I have the Motorola Spice Smartphone. And for the past few days whenever I try to use the yahoo messenger app it logs me in says it's loading my contacts, makes the login noise, and then the screen...
  3. Does Rohypnol have the same effects in powder form?

    I know its a pill and you can put it in drinks, so if you like laced weed with it and smoked it would it have the same effect?
  4. Yes, he is teething. They need to chew as much as...

    Yes, he is teething. They need to chew as much as they can to relieve that pain. Also, when a teething puppy chews on toys as it grows, it helps its baby teeth to fall off and receive its new set...
  5. Replies

    My Dad Is And Actor, Writer and director and he...

    My Dad Is And Actor, Writer and director and he says it wont because they would just dye it or cover it with make up. =]

    Please answer mine =]

    My link isnt working so could u just press my...
  6. What knd of wireless router should i buy?

    no more than 60 dollors please.
    and i wil most likly get it from walmart.
  7. i need a good prank to pull on my parents?

    my friends parents and my parents are all hanging out together and they are wasted[[drunkk]] we wunt to pull a prank on them :0 can you give us any good ideas then would be VERY funny? we are ALL...
  8. Replies

    Good prank to pull on drunk parents?

    Me and some of my friends are spending the night. And their parents and my parents are all DRUNK and hanging around up stairs [[we are down stairs]]. We want a REALLY good prank to pull on them...
  9. "A whole other day" or "A whole nother day"? ?

    I know that "nother" is not a word, but there are many people that say it. Which is correct?
  10. Which celebrity are you sick of hearing about?

    Personally I'm sick of seeing Britney Spears in every magazine I read and Rihanna every day on
  11. Apple Iphone- why do I have to go on the internet each time I get a picture message?

    Every time I get a picture message on my Iphone, it tells me to go to and type in a message id and password. This is really inconvenient! How can I get picture messages sent to my...
  12. Sounds like she's having a bad dream, my dog's...

    Sounds like she's having a bad dream, my dog's growl, bark, howl in their sleep!
  13. Replies

    Megan Fox is my beauty idol?

    Megan Fox is my beauty idol?
  14. Liu

  15. Tennesse I am going there this summer again!!!...

    Tennesse I am going there this summer again!!! And I live in Wisconsin.
Results 1 to 15 of 15
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