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Type: Posts; User: postalp

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  1. Hang out and do stuff like watch movies, listen...

    Hang out and do stuff like watch movies, listen to music from this decade, play sports and video games, join karaoke jam sessions, maybe even have a pool party or two, all with other high schoolers...
  2. Not bad. Clean it up a little. Like where you...

    Not bad. Clean it up a little. Like where you say Michael Vick, it might sound better just saying Vick. The same way with years. Instead of December 2009, you could say 12-09 or december 09. Try...
  3. Not bad. Clean it up a little. Like where you...

    Not bad. Clean it up a little. Like where you say Michael Vick, it might sound better just saying Vick. The same way with years. Instead of December 2009, you could say 12-09 or december 09. Try...
  4. Replies

    It's not your car, it is you. Didn't you hear...

    It's not your car, it is you. Didn't you hear the big three before congress. They told congress that they have been making garbage for years. The american people finally wised up. Now they don't...
  5. The evening world news did a feature on this the...

    The evening world news did a feature on this the other day. They are doing just fine, and can you believe they are even expanding. Yes, I said expanding. Maybe they can take over the not so big...
  6. He was talking about all of the other Americans...

    He was talking about all of the other Americans with 14 cars and 7 houses.
  7. This is for a book, not a dvd. That is why it is...

    This is for a book, not a dvd. That is why it is priced that way.
  8. Replies

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of...

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
  9. Replies

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of...

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Results 1 to 9 of 9
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