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Type: Posts; User: MissK

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  1. Replies

    I just saw an ad on TV....MAACO has a...

    I just saw an ad on TV....MAACO has a Presidential Promotion for $199.00.
  2. idk

  3. what do you think of what i eat? is it enough - too much & healthy?

    i am 22, 167cm tall, 53kg.
    In the morning for breakfast i have small bowl of corn flakes with lactos free milk, glass of water, a banana.
    Morning tea i have a small handfull of salted peanuts, 5...
  4. Are the different branches of the Rastafarian religion/movement (the "mansions of

    Rastafari")? in rivalry or competition with one another, or are they regarded as complimentary aspects of the movement/religion?
  5. it is based on YOUR experience, so how are...

    it is based on YOUR experience, so how are complete strangers going to be able to tell you how to begin your paper? If youre stuck, write out some thesis statements and pick one you can elaborate on.
  6. Why did he tell him to call him, when he won't pick up his phone?

    There's this guy that I've known for almost ten years. We met in high school and we have been sexually active off and on ever since. I heard he was a dog, so I'd leave him alone, but then eventually...
  7. Why is the media ignoring Sarah Palin's confession of her bargain with Satan?
    Personally, I think this shows she's schizophrenic *at least.* But you would think this would really bother the Christian right,...
  8. Why did they risk letting Cindy McCain hold that human baby?

    Weren't they afraid she'd shapeshift into her true, reptilian form, and rip open the baby's chest and eat its heart? I can just imagine her sitting there in lizard form, chowing down on the baby...
  9. Do APAs (Amateur Press Associations) still exist in the age of the internet?? ?

    I took part in one when I was in college, just before the internet took hold... Enjoyed it, would like to find out if they still exist, and how to become involved. The internet itself has little...
  10. Replies

    RCA remote for Coby 209 DVD player?

    I need help figuring out if I can use my RCA universal remote (RCU703SP) with my Coby (209) dvd player. Help!!
  11. Can a man from Egypt really fall in love with an American woman over the internet?

    I met an man from Egypt online two months ago. We talk online every night, and sometimes on the phone. He is 28, I am 36. He says he is a virgin and I am the first woman he has ever spoken to...
  12. I am IN LOVE with the mexican pizzas from taco bell. how do you make those to...

    ...taste like it? how much of everything to put in?
  13. are there any REAL CELEBRITIES using yahoo answers right now?

    you dont have to put who you are although it would be interetsing, but could leave some hints?

    yes i know your only human!
  14. Replies

    Am I crazy to stay married?

    He has rage issues when he gets annoyed. He has broke a chair over the kitchen table, he has punched a hole in the door, and he always raises his voice and says profanities when he argues with me. He...
  15. my daughter (3) has red itchy bumps on her scalp?

    mostly along the bottom part of her head and around her ears. she has only been scratching for lk 2 days i was wondering if this is because of her shampoo, or long hair , or what else it could be...
  16. What channel is the Fight Network on for Bell Express Vu?

    I'm wondering what channel the Fight Network on Bell Express Vu is on. Also, what time and day is TNA iMPACT! on?
  17. How can i change my Nokia N95 for the new N95 8b?

    I dont want to commit to the same contract again and dont mind paying a bit extra if i can just do some ind of swap or something simple like that. - a phone upgrade but no contract upgrade. I have...
  18. Should you leave your family who love and support you for a guy whos family...

    ...will disown him? knowing someone and loving them for years is hard to leave them. but should you leave your family because a guy says to you, because his family are disowning him, you need to...
  19. Replies

    I got 2 out of 16 questions right.(12%)That's...

    I got 2 out of 16 questions right.(12%)That's horrible.
  20. Replies

    It's plagiarism. It can get you a big fat "F," ...

    It's plagiarism. It can get you a big fat "F," and possibly lead to disciplinary action up to and including being kicked out of school, depending on where you are. The fact that it involves stealing...
Results 1 to 20 of 20
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