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Type: Posts; User: Cnote

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  1. Replies

    the rules are there for the safety of the...

    the rules are there for the safety of the fighters. in the US they heavily regulate combative sports if you want to have it sanctioned by any type of organization. heck even with the rules they have...
  2. martial arts training is expensive! you are way...

    martial arts training is expensive! you are way better off commuting unless you are loaded.
  3. martial arts training is expensive! you are way...

    martial arts training is expensive! you are way better off commuting unless you are loaded.
  4. Replies

    I second Clowns answer. I remember that fight:...

    I second Clowns answer.

    I remember that fight: Scott Smith vs Pete Sell
  5. light heavyweight

    light heavyweight
  6. Replies

    he is pretty good on the local pro circuit. if it...

    he is pretty good on the local pro circuit. if it is the same one im thinking of he trains at an mma gym near my house i've been there a few times and met him.

    how did you hear of him? do you live...
  7. Replies

    he is pretty good on the local pro circuit. if it...

    he is pretty good on the local pro circuit. if it is the same one im thinking of he trains at an mma gym near my house i've been there a few times and met him.

    how did you hear of him? do you live...
  8. Replies

    he is pretty good on the local pro circuit. if it...

    he is pretty good on the local pro circuit. if it is the same one im thinking of he trains at an mma gym near my house i've been there a few times and met him.

    how did you hear of him? do you live...
  9. chuck norris

    chuck norris
  10. Didn't you hear? After Kimbo Slice lost in...

    Didn't you hear? After Kimbo Slice lost in 14seconds EliteXC tanked. So no more organization.
  11. not really and soon the troll saying russians...

    not really

    and soon the troll saying russians are the best fighters, then the other troll saying blacks are the best fighters are going to come out
  12. Replies

    mma varies from the cheapest i've seen about $50...

    mma varies from the cheapest i've seen about $50 per month to about $200 per month. usually there are 3-4 classes. my gym where i took muay thai was $90 per month for unlimited classes (day and...
  13. mccain is too old plus cheney would shoot him in...

    mccain is too old plus cheney would shoot him in the face
  14. Replies

    the rules are there for the safety of the...

    the rules are there for the safety of the fighters. in the US they heavily regulate combative sports if you want to have it sanctioned by any type of organization. heck even with the rules they have...
  15. muay thai is a martial art from thailand that...

    muay thai is a martial art from thailand that focuses on knocking the opponent out by use of kicks, punches, knee, and elbow strikes. it is a very popular striking art however it is limited to...
  16. Since when was Tim Sylvia one of UFC's best fighters?

    Looking on Yahoo's Featured News Page it says "Fedor Emelianenko destroys one of UFC's best fighters in a historic win".

    My question is when was Timmy boy considered one of the best?
Results 1 to 16 of 16
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