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Type: Posts; User: tdsupersaiyan

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  1. Replies

    Yeah it's a nice phone!

    Yeah it's a nice phone!
  2. Replies

    Try going onto youtube! They always have what u...

    Try going onto youtube! They always have what u are looking for!
    And maybe you can't yet?
  3. Replies

    Try going onto youtube! They always have what u...

    Try going onto youtube! They always have what u are looking for!
    And maybe you can't yet?
  4. Replies

    Try going onto youtube! They always have what u...

    Try going onto youtube! They always have what u are looking for!
    And maybe you can't yet?
  5. Replies

    Question about puberty?

    I've noticed i've been swearing a lot and I wanted to know why and I thought puberty or stress caused it. Please explain.
  6. Which is a better deal? Buying and iphone 3g with no service or buying an ipod touch?

    Because the 3g is only 200$ and the ipod touch is 300$. I have also heard that the iphone 3g has more features than the ipod touch such as an outside speaker, and camera. So why is the iphone 3g more...
  7. How come the iphone 3g is only 200$ and has more features than the ipod touch,

    and the I.P.T. is more money? ? So why is the iphone so much cheaper, if it has more features than the ipod touch which costs 300$? It doesn't really make sense.
  8. Can you buy the iphone without a plan?

    And use the features that are music and photo?
  9. Which is a better deal? Buying and iphone with no service or an ipod touch?

    And I'm also wondering why the ipod touch is more expensive than the iphone because the iphone has more features to it without the plan.
  10. What does the ipod touch have that the iphone doesn't?

    And which is a better deal?
Results 1 to 10 of 10
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