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Type: Posts; User: HenryB

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  1. Replies

    Where should i take som1 on a first date?

    Where should i take som1 on a first date?? Maybe not even a date?
    Just ask her if she wants to walk home with me just to prove that im not as much as a wierdo or freak or whatever she thinks i am??
  2. Replies

    iPhone 3G unlocking..?

    I have a contract with 3, but I now want an iPhone 3G, I don't particularly want to have to pay for 2 contracts. I have heard about unlocking the iPhone, but don't want to spend that much and have...
  3. Does playing on Xbox Live contribute to my download limit?

    I have a small download limit provided by iinet and am not sure if playing xbox live will take away downloads. I won't be downloading any content or anything, just playing.
  4. How do I set up Xbox Live to play even when internet is being used?

    I have had Xbox Live for a while, but I don't really understand all this business with routers and modems. I can only play Xbox Live when my family isn't using the internet and they use it most of...
  5. Replies

    Fuzzy Vibration on my Camera?

    I have a Sony t20W and I have used it for 1 year with no problems but its now got this fuzzing vibration and makes the camera all stuffy?? Help plzzz.
  6. Celebrities, do as they say but not as they do.?

    Just what makes their opinions more important than yours or mine.They say they identify with the common man while having 4 cars and 10 million dollar homes.Oprah Winfrey for instance tells me to use...
  7. Will this DVD Home Cinema System work with my PS3 using an Optical Cable?
  8. Is it possible to connect my laptop (which doesn't have internet) to my main...

    ...computers internet connection? My laptop doesnt have the internet, but I was wondering if it is possible to use the internet im using on this computer and stick it in the laptop. Is that possible?...
  9. 1991 acura legend with a type2 rough idle

    i have a 91 legend with a type2. it has a rough idle. in all gears. and some times no idle.
  10. What do YOU Think of these 2 Bikes, What bike is better?
  11. check the cat. or plugs.

    check the cat. or plugs.
  12. Hunting Mice, What Sex is better, Male of female kitten?

    We're getting to kittens, (either 2 males or 2 females) The main reason is to sort out the mice, however we've always wanted a cat so, its not as though its just to fix the mice problem, we are going...
  13. Im annoyed with my Bf..... What do YOU Think?

    The last time I saw him was 13 days ago, he's let me down before a few times, one of these occasions was he cancelled on my birthday,

    Last friday he said we could meet when he returned on...
  14. Canada, no?

    Canada, no?
  15. Replies

    Slider and CandyBar Sprint Phones?

    Im looking for a non flip phone. Like the Lg Chocolate. I already saw the two samsung phones, but not really into them cause theyre not that great. Im looking something like the motorizr that came...
  16. How come Sprint doesnt have "Any attactive" phones- Sliders?

    I pretty much stuck with sprint plans, but their phones suck, big and bulky. They also seem to get all the old phones like the old motorazor. I been hoping to get the motorizr phone which is out on...
  17. Movies have always been bad. Not only that, but...

    Movies have always been bad. Not only that, but around the same percentage of movies have always been bad.

    Even if there were more and more bad movies, the number of good movies isn't going down,...
  18. Why are the taco bell commercials so annoying and bad?

    I swear they make no since. I makes me laugh to think that they really dont make any kind of since. You should see the latest one. The one with the bacon taco....the lady says "men love bacon" and...
  19. Replies

    SPRINT IS GAY, 400$ for txting alone?

    Omg so so pissed off when i saw the bill. I cant beleive they charge for incoming txt because this girl txt me 2messages each time she sends a message and i ended up with 400dollars.....BS. Sprint...
  20. Replies

    PS3 getting GTA 4 downloadable content?

    I am an Xbox 360 owner. And having GTA 4 postponed because of stupid PS3 really annoyed me. So when I heard I was getting exclusive downloadable content, I decided to settle down... Seems fair right....
  21. Replies

    Tom Cruise... The guy you love to hate?

    There is perhaps no one in hollywood I find more annoying than Tom Cruise. I hate him so much for absolutely no reason... Maybe its that smug look or maybe its that... ummm.....OK, I'm gonna stick...
  22. Replies

    There Will Be Blood, not out in Australia?

    Everyone said April 8th online, but there are no signs in DVD stores and no website is selling it. Is There Will Be Blood out on DVD or not?
Results 1 to 22 of 22
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