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Type: Posts; User: timmy

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  1. Replies

    I am looking for 1996 YZ 250 plastics?

    where can i find new platics? i have looked. maybe you might know
  2. Replies

    Best Present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?

    1) A Giant Paddington Bear Teddy
    2) A Big Bunch of Flowers
    3) A Designer Watch
    4) A Silver Bracelet
    5) Tickets to the Theatre
    6) A Night out at a Nice Restaurant

    Any other suggestions...
  3. Replies

    its meant to give you energy, and if you aren't...

    its meant to give you energy, and if you aren't hiking trails and burning off the calories it can make you fat.

    Trail mix has high protein, but also a lot of fat and sugar
  4. How do I run microphones and my ipod all through one stereo?

    Right now I have a stereo and my iPod plugs into it and plays through the speakers. I am now needing to run microphones and the music through the same speakers meaning they both have to plug into the...
  5. Replies

    How to converrt CD to MP3?

    I have a MP3 player whcih only play MP3's and I need a converter where when you put the CD in the drive to convert it straight to MP3 with all the track details not by saying TRACK 1 etc.. Does...
  6. Replies

    How to install Nokia N95 Apps easy?

    I have a Nokia N95 and I want to know a good site were to get apps and how to download them to your phone. I've tryed downloading them before but never found them on my phone. Is there a certain...
  7. Why doesn't run DMC have a Hollywood walk of fame?

    I mean Britney spears has one.. run DMC were very influencial.. =/
  8. How long will it realistically take me to learn to drive an automatic?

    Cant drive at all, never had a lesson, mid 20's, female.. I'd like to have passed and be driving by june?
  9. Reported.

  10. How can you unprotect Itunes music without a recorder program? I need for the...

    ...Sony Phone w580i? I used to have an ipod but it broke so i got the sony w580i as my 2nd MP3 player. but you can't put purchased itunes music on it. I want to know how i can unprotect it. I was...
  11. WORST TRADE EVER! the heat are recieving a backup...

    WORST TRADE EVER! the heat are recieving a backup player for a starter
  12. Yahoo or Espn

    Yahoo or Espn
  13. Replies

    1991 Dodge Spirit Stereo Trouble?

    I have hooked up my new stereo to the Car with a wiring harness and everything and there are 2 wires that normally screw in the back of the stock Radio in the back. i did the same to the new Radio...
  14. Ebay?

  15. Replies

    Yeah it will get slightly cheaper because the...

    Yeah it will get slightly cheaper because the shops need to get rid of all the excess stock.
  16. Replies

    Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy they're both so...

    Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy they're both so funny!
  17. that hot dogs come 8 to a pack and hot dog buns...

    that hot dogs come 8 to a pack and hot dog buns come 10 to bun
  18. unless you can ID the person who did it, you are...

    unless you can ID the person who did it, you are screwed

    it will have be filed under hit and run or vandalism and you'll have to pay your deductable

    I was hit by an uninsured driver this...
  19. How do I ask the other guys in the locker room to shower naked?

    I would really rather shower naked in the communal showers because the tight bathing suits are kind of annoying when they are on too long. But i also think it would be cool if we could all shower...
  20. is the Head phones unplugged. Make sure that the...

    is the Head phones unplugged. Make sure that the headphones are unplugged and the thing that goes into the side. There should be no wires connected to the phone during a call.
  21. Is it too gay to start decorating for Christmas now?

    I just love decorating for Christmas, and its a lot of work so I want to make it worth it.

    I'm an interior designer and am decorating a couple clients houses so I have little time to do mine own...
  22. Replies

    In or out? I'd say Andy Dick too, 6 months ago...

    In or out?

    I'd say Andy Dick too, 6 months ago I would have said Clay Aiken...we all know where that went.
  23. Penn State 21-17

    Penn State
  24. Its pretty heavy, my partner is a cultural...

    Its pretty heavy, my partner is a cultural studies professor and has done a few papers on Foucault
  25. Replies

    Day of the Dead Mena Suvari?

    Did anyone see this sad zombie movie remake? I thought Mena Suvari wasn't as B-list or D-list where she has to make bad zombie movie straight to DVD. It also has that actress that plays Naomi on the...
Results 1 to 25 of 63
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