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Type: Posts; User: JO

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  1. How do i upload multiple songs at one time to google drive from android device?

    Have a nexus 7 and 5, can only upload one song at a time to Google drive, any ideas?

  2. Which happened first, the Battle of Tours or the moors invasion of Spain?

    & If Tours happened first, did the moors move on to Spain because they were defeated?
  3. Replies

    Can you cook brownies twice? Help!?

    I just baked brownies, took them out after 45 mins, because they were perfect on top. Waited for them to cool only to find out that its still batter inside. Can I pop it in the oven and cook it again?
  4. I can't find the picture in 'walking dead' for iPhone?

    I'm playing the walking dead game on my iPhone. I've done everything people tell me to (save Glenn, get the axe, fix the radio, turn on the tv's) but I can't find the photo of lee's brother to prove...
  5. is my blue ray drive compatable with my playstation 3?

    so i have a few 60gb ps3 and a few drives lying around but i wanted to make a console up how can i tell witch blue ray drive came from witch system ? or will it work in any
  6. Replies

    how do i download music onto y motorola razr i?

    want to download music onto my motorola razr i via eg tubidy but unsure how to save it to the phone.
  7. Replies

    Ab lounge, Taekwondo, and Whey?

    I just started doing Taekwondo and my school isn't a dreaded watered down McDojo, its tough so I always work up a good sweat. My aunt just gave me an Ab Lounge that she didn't ever use. I was...
  8. The Headphone socket in my JVC Stereo doesn't work. What could be the problem?

    My mum bought it in 1995. It's never been dropped or anything, although the speakers did blow. I recently dug it out and hooked it to some new speakers, but discovered the Headphone socket doesn't...
  9. My stereo doesn't have AUX inputs, is there any way I can connect my PC to it?

    I have a JVC stereo that I want to hook my PC to. It has RCA input sockets, but none are labelled AUX.

    One pair of RCA sockets is labelled "PHONO," one pair is labelled "DAT/VCR Play" and one pair...
  10. Replies

    will BestBuy make a deal on pricing?

    I'm going to buy a new camera..... any way I can get them to do some dealing..... would like to hear from someone who either works or worked there in the past and knows first hand. I, speaking frome...
  11. Replies

    can you get the best buy ad early?

    is there anywhere to get a sneak peek at the best buy ad that comes out this weekend? I'm looking to buy a camera that is new (just came out last week or so) and I want to make sure there isn't going...
  12. current canon s3 is owner, what should i replace it with? rebel xt, sx10 or g9?

    actually it is for my wife...... she LIVES by her photographs. mostly of family, and events..... what are your do you recommend? rebel xt? sx10? g9? so foncused!!?!??
  13. Replies

    Stereo Wiring for a 2003 Mazda Protege?

    We need to know which colors are what: (factory 6 cd stereo)
    there is green with a silver stripe, and the other one has silver dots. The other side is brown with a silver stripe, and the other has...
  14. my brother has a nextel phone & i want 2 know how much it wuld cost 2 add another

    line.? since i dont have a phone right now, wuld i pay full price for the phone or i wuld i have 2 get a 2 year contract?
  15. What to do with my 24 and 25 yr olds who have no respect?

    Any advice sure would be helpful. I have 4 girls. 2 young ones (ages 4 & 8) and 2 older ones (24 & 25). They have known that they could always come to me for help with anything. My door has always...
  16. Replies

    outdoor antenna setup?

    so here's the deal.... i'm a cable tv child.... never had the "leave it to beaver" antenna on my home. however, we are canceling the cable today and i want to put up an antenna this summer.......
Results 1 to 16 of 16
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