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Type: Posts; User: MelissaB

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  1. what is the future outlook for early childhood education?

    i am studying Child Development. I have 1.5 years, then will transfer into a multiple teaching program to eventually teach at an elementary school. Is this worth it. My passion is there, but due to...
  2. the sims 2 castaway for ps2 need help with the radio?

    ok i know i have the radio and is the antenna the transmitter? and if so why dont i have the option to repair it this is driving me crazy. i seen a bunch of answers like go to valcano summit and put...
  3. what is the gadget bar at the top of a dell screen?

    the one that has shortcuts to media programs, etc.
  4. I was in the EXACT same situation as you. My...

    I was in the EXACT same situation as you. My boyfriend broke up with me in Dec07, but after that we started having sex everyday again, sleeping together, hanging out every waking moment, always said...
  5. Replies

    What's the best Toyota Corolla to get?

    I'm a first car buyer, i just got my p's last week and i'm looking for a car, which is apparently gonna be a toyota corolla, but im not allowed to go car shopping until ive done my research and know...
  6. Replies

    problem starting 2002 chevy venture ?

    I had just purchased a 2002 chevy venture wheelchair van it only has 64000 kms. the previous owner never had any problems with the van, I just brought the van home and it started and ran fine but...
  7. Should we have sex, or should we forget about it?

    Me and my boyfriend have been going out for about 3 months now, and I am a virgin. But he's really hot, and sex came up to conversation once or twice. He told me he'll do it if i'm up for it. I don't...
  8. Need help determining future GPA - ASAP very important, help.?

    Okay, this is complicated, but I can't find anybody to help me.
    I need to calculate my future GPA upon graduation. I am attempting to get into a graduate program, and need to see where I stand.
  9. your window motor went out

    your window motor went out
  10. Replies

    I need to determine future GPA?

    Okay, this is complicated, but I can't find anybody to help me.
    I need to calculate my future GPA upon graduation. I am attempting to get into a graduate program, and need to see where I stand.
  11. hello, does anyone know the unlock code for th LG k600/venus? or where i...

    ...can get it free? thanx?
    hi, thanx, but where do i type that in etc? wb
  12. Replies

    How do I determine future GPA?


    I would like to calculate what my GPA will be once this semester is over.

    How do I take my GPA score for this semester and add it to my current GPA, and properly calculate it? I would like...
  13. Replies

    It sounds sweet! I think if you know that you are...

    It sounds sweet! I think if you know that you are both interested, and you want it to happen, then go for it.
  14. veggies and fruit are always best but it all...

    veggies and fruit are always best but it all depends what you crave chocolate, sweets, salty, etc..
    for chocolate Carob is a good replacement, but a little dark chocolate is not bad for you...plain...
  15. Which famous people/celebrities live in Ventura County, CA?

    I swear I am not a stalker - I work for a nonprofit and am looking for any famous people and / or celebrities (especially those with children, since our nonprofit is for kids) who live in Ventura...
  16. Replies

    gender prediction at 13 weeks?

    ok, i just asked this, but no one really told me if they had a prediction this early. I had an ultrasound this morning, and the technician said that he is pretty confident it is a girl. Im only 13...
  17. How do I remove linux from my toshiba satellite?

    I currently have ubuntu on my toshiba satellite a215. I would like to replace it with windows xp. When I boot it from the xp disc it asks me to press any key to boot from cd. After I do this it...
  18. How do I remove ubuntu off my toshiba satellite?

    I sold my laptop and need to remove ubuntu. How do I do this?
  19. The rapture is a fable invented by a bunch of...

    The rapture is a fable invented by a bunch of religious hypocrites who wanted to control the church with their false doctrine and their false conceptions of God.
  20. Replies

    Nokia N95 battery/phone problem! HELP?

    Recently the battery out of my nokia n95 ( not 8gb) kept falling out of the phone because the back part which holds it in broke off. The last time it fell out i put it back in but when i turned the...
  21. Replies

    Car Rental in Milwaukee?

    My car is unreliable to make a long distance trip, so I want to rent a car for the weekend to go see my mother. I've searched all over and mainly found car rentals where you are dropped off at an...
  22. Myspace aps id number where is it in internet explorer?

    I have so many aps/ games and whem my team mates ask what me to eliminate another player, they give me an id # do I find a prospective killing of another person by id without adding them as...
  23. Is anyone looking for a new file sharing forum?

    If so, I am currently creating a new one. It is barely a week old, so there is not much to it. However we are looking for new active members interested in adding to our content. Check it out at
  24. I Think Im Bisexual Well I Know Im Bi...?

    I am scared wht will my parents think? i Just wanna know what 2 do?
  25. How do I get to level 5 in Super Mario World GBA?


    i just finished the last special level, funky, in smw, but i still can't access level five. whats going on? ive watched many walk throughs but there doesnt seem to be a secret exit.

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