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Type: Posts; User: nelson

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  1. If I have 10 litecoins in my wallet, and their value increases...?

    Did I made money?
    Is this the way to invest in criptocurrency?

    If I have 10 in my wallet and their value decreases. Did I loose money?


    Any other advice about cryptocurrency its...
  2. Making Facebook group for people's fantasies?

    Hi I have seen this somewhere b4, and I wanna make a Fb page of something so people can use it to write out their fantasies about someone, but the person writing it will not have their name public. I...
  3. about 1840.

    about 1840.
  4. corolla or a civic, u wont regret it.

    corolla or a civic, u wont regret it.
  5. How do share my xbox on my home network .. it windows media player wont work?

    A few days ago i figured out and tried too share all my files on my home network too my xbox 360.. anyhow i was using widows media player and io went too Sharing like it says too do.. but if i click...
  6. tire pressure. check your owner manual, they...

    tire pressure. check your owner manual, they should have a list of light and explanation of those light.
  7. Replies

    take it to an auto zone and get the code from...

    take it to an auto zone and get the code from your car. im pretty sure its a misfire. the same problem happen to my car awhile back. for me it was a bad fuel injector. price depends on what needs to...
  8. Replies

    take it to an auto zone and get the code from...

    take it to an auto zone and get the code from your car. im pretty sure its a misfire. the same problem happen to my car awhile back. for me it was a bad fuel injector. price depends on what needs to...
  9. ball joints

    ball joints
  10. hit the top part of the tire hard with ur palm....

    hit the top part of the tire hard with ur palm. it just probably just sticking.
  11. Replies

    yup a lot more. just get a new car.

    yup a lot more. just get a new car.
  12. Replies

    yup a lot more. just get a new car.

    yup a lot more. just get a new car.
  13. ur battery might be going bad. ur alternator is...

    ur battery might be going bad. ur alternator is trying to keep your battery from draining.
  14. what was mark lawrenson's predictions for the stoke and liverpool game?

    'An easy game' i believe and boy didn't he eat his words IDIOT!
    HAHA someone is not very happy go in your closet you scouse and lay for another 18years.
    In rafa we trust!
  15. Replies

    Blackberry Curve or Storm?

    so i have an enV and it is falling apart so im getting new phone. i like both the curve and the storm but i am wondering if the storm is worth the extra two hundred dollars. which phone is a better...
  16. how do i reconfigure my router or internet connection for bit torrent ?

    it says i have no incoming connections and there might be a problem with network configurations. so how do i solve this problem

    can someone give me step by step instructions?
  17. Replies

    all the guys in westside connection

    all the guys in westside connection
  18. Replies

    You can add someone to your account but you will...

    You can add someone to your account but you will have to pay an additional amount. I'm not sure exactly what it is but its a discount to your current payment.

    I'm assuming that you mean getting a...
  19. Replies

    You can add someone to your account but you will...

    You can add someone to your account but you will have to pay an additional amount. I'm not sure exactly what it is but its a discount to your current payment.

    I'm assuming that you mean getting a...
  20. Replies

    was that video actually meant to scare me?

    was that video actually meant to scare me?
  21. How do i find out if i have insurance for my Verizon phone?

    i bought and enV a while back and the front screen broke and im not sure if i have insurance for it and can get a new one. my friend said they just give you and env2. anyway, i dont know if i have...
  22. Replies

    Hull outplayed you.

    Hull outplayed you.
  23. Replies

    Hull outplayed you.

    Hull outplayed you.
  24. Will Rogers give me my phone's subsidy code?

    I purchased a mobile phone to Rogers and, of course, it is locked on Rogers network. However I am now in France, which is not a Canadian state, and my phone doesn't work.
    Is it worth asking Rogers...
  25. why do our american Buddy's never say good by on the phones?

    they just stop in mid conversation and hang up how sad is that
Results 1 to 25 of 25
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