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Type: Posts; User: e:Julia:e

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  1. Replies
    251 It has...
    It has them all.
    They're on a christmas break right now, returning Januar 5th, but you have like 5 seasons to get through anyway, so you should be fine.
  2. 1. A book is something that holds a story, in...

    1. A book is something that holds a story, in form of a novel, short stories, poems, or whatever. It is something materialistic. If you found some form of epic online, it would not be a book, it...
  3. Two of my best friends: Ymkje Kamphuis - dutch...

    Two of my best friends:

    Ymkje Kamphuis - dutch name. And yeah, imagine the teachers in school...
    "I already know I'm gonna say this wrong, but, Eeeemkah?" Hahahaha. And then her last name... "Kam...
  4. What's the best way to get rid of a small stomach?

    So, I'm not fat, but I do have a little chubby-fat on my stomach. I'm going to Australia in less than two weeks. I do dancing and other sports regularly, but what is the most effective way to get rid...
  5. Replies

    1. He was lying. Nobody can know what he was...

    1. He was lying. Nobody can know what he was dreaming... Also it's a "tale".
    2. There are no unlisted numbers in a telephone book.
    3. One birthday. Several days on which we celebrate it.
    4. It...
  6. 1: 10 2: 10 3: 10 4: 10 5: 10 6: 15 7: 15...

    1: 10
    2: 10
    3: 10
    4: 10
    5: 10
    6: 15
    7: 15
    8: 15
    9: 11.875
    10: 11.875
  7. Where can I find new themes/skins for my LG phone?

    I have a KF700 from LG and I would like some new themes except for Black and Sky... does anybody know where I can download some? Thanks :) And also, where can I get Flash Content files as animated...
  8. Where can I find new themes/skins for my LG phone?

    I have a KF700 from LG and I would like some new themes except for Black and Sky... does anybody know where I can download some? Thanks :) And also, where can I get Flash Content files as animated...
  9. Replies

    I KNOW RIGHT??? I've been looking for my life...

    I've been looking for my life too, have you seen it?
    And my boo's missing. Wait, I never had one? shame.
Results 1 to 9 of 9
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