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Type: Posts; User: rudesquad33

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  1. Replies

    How do I reinstall Internet Explorer?

    My Internet Explorer is messed up. Every time I use some websites the pictures on the websites will start showing advertisements in the picture. At first I just thought it was the certain site I was...
  2. Replies

    They start at 7pm and end at 7am.

    They start at 7pm and end at 7am.
  3. Replies

    I have the LG Rumor and overall I love it. The...

    I have the LG Rumor and overall I love it. The QWERTY keyboard is easy for texting and to use the internet. It comes with lots of features such as the mp3 player. The only problem I have with the...
  4. I bought a new Rumor on eBay for $150 dollars....

    I bought a new Rumor on eBay for $150 dollars. You can get them for cheaper if you bid at the right time and all. If you buy one on eBay make sure in the description that it says the phone has clear...
  5. I used to have the Katana too and mine fell in...

    I used to have the Katana too and mine fell in the toliet. I went to place it outside in the sunlight to have the battery/phone dry. It worked for a a few days but then it stopped working. You should...
  6. If you have the USB cord with the MICRO SD card...

    If you have the USB cord with the MICRO SD card just drag the pictures you want when you hook your phone the the USB.
  7. I have the LG Rumor and I've never had this...

    I have the LG Rumor and I've never had this problem. But my best guess would be to call customer service and ask them if you should take it to a local sprint store. I'm sure they will help you with...
  8. You don't have the internet at all? Is it...

    You don't have the internet at all? Is it blocked? I have a sprint phone and even when I used to not have the internet it would let me on. If it's not blocked you can get a ringtone send as a text...
  9. I have the LG Rumor as well and I used...

    I have the LG Rumor as well and I used to upload ringtones to my phone. It's very basic.

    There's the site about...
  11. Replies

    It's called a digital clock. It will read the...

    It's called a digital clock. It will read the time anywhere you go. So even if you're in a different time zone it will tell you the time it is in your location.
  12. LG Rumor question about changing the backround when you send a text?

    On my LG Rumor when I send a text (while it's saying sending) the backround is birds and I just don't like it. I was wondering if there was any way to change that?
  13. Replies

    Theres a site that I go to where you can make...

    Theres a site that I go to where you can make your own ringtones for free you just need to have songs to upload. You just have to make an account.
Results 1 to 13 of 13
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