BUT, you must read before posting you answers, smart comrades of the world.

I am Agnostic, that means I agree to disagree. I do not believe the existance of a Divine being, nor do I completely deny it.

I do not think all Christians are "brain-washed Idiotic Sheep" cos I have met some very witty and downright awesome christians.

I do not think all Atheists lack belief, they only believe their beliefs- that there is no god.

What really bugs me is some one who tries to impose their religion on me, or some ahtheist who bashes religion.

Because when it comes right down to it, no one knows what really happens after death.

My question is, Why arent there more people who are willing to be neutral or tolerant, at least? Belief is as vital to humanity as breathing itself. Why cant we simply keep our religious beliefs to ourselves and understand that just because someone else thinks differently than you?