needs improvement.? Write an article for a local newspaper, arguing that your town, village or city needs improvement.

Junk area need to improve?

Do we know where we live? In the cage! Our area needs to improve and we need to out of this cage.
Harrow road is one of popular area in centre city of London. Do you think it like centre area or like bird cages? Don’t we think our area should be clear and tidy like royal house area to lives. Two month go l have found out from questionnaire that 75% of people don’t like this area to lives and represent their area to other public. As you know, because they dislike this areas road, public service and community centre. Most of the roads are not clear properly, consequent; inside the road you can find gun, tree leaf, rubbish bin etc. This all thing make our area dull and massive very day life. Therefore, we cannot live like they any more. We need to develop.
I am sure you understand what l am saying, we can make my area better and live healthy way in our area. If we and you tell our local MP to support us to develop his area in lifestyle way to live here. 100% our MP will provide this service for this area like bin worker, road worker three times a weeks.

Therefore, they can do their job to make our area nice and tidy. For example, if someone coming to our area new, they can say something good about it, that centre city are nice not like bird cages.

please tell me what level in GCSE and how can i improve.