Parrot? I swear, even when their claims have been debunked, they will continue spewing them out. It's like if you drew a circle and asked them what shape it is and they say "square". And even after you have explained to them that a square is not round and instead has edges, they insist that it is a square and make up ridiculous claims. Like saying "it looks like a circle but since this book told me that god said that it's a circle, it's a circle."

Overzealous atheist are no better, they are just as bad! They think they know everything too and believe everything can be proven by science, which it can't, well at least not now anyways.

Regardless of belief, people seldom do research of their own, they just take someone else's word for it and accept it as fact. This is far easier than doing it yourself, but can be dangerous if you are accepting false statements as facts.
@magpieix C.A.C.T.U.S, James Guess, Rudegirl, and ???????I...

Shinning examples of the point I was making. Arrogant idiots that think they know everything and that science can explain everything. It cannot.