They have the most vacation time of almost any general occupation in America, they have no performance evaluations, they get awesome job security, their job requires little physical effort, they have great retirement plans. I know their pay is not that great, but they got some great benefits, but considering Catholic school teachers receive half the benefits and pay than public school teachers I wouldn't complain.

BS in Music Education, Wow thats about as useless as it gets, I understand why your underespected. Overworked I work 60 --> 80 hours a week and I don't complain, maybe teachers are just whiny by nature. If you don't want to work, and can't do anything, TEACH.
Thank teachers, for what? The most well funded failed school system in the developed world, hey it's not the teachers fault it's always the parents and the kids according to teachers. I went through public education and Catholic, and it's true there are more little trouble makers in the public, but the teachers were completely different. The public teacher were there just to collect a paycheck the catholic teachers made people work and were really into helping students. I remember there were a few good public school teachers but they were rare, on the other hand there were a few bad catholic school teachers bu they were rare. If teaching is a passion, good teach, if not collect a paycheck and benefits at a public school and whine how tough your job is toe everyone you meet.

Wow that huge rant with the numbered list, I really hit a nerve, but wait your a teacher your used to spending hours complaing and whing about your job, you were just waiting for a question like this, I bet you wrote that answer years ago LMAO. I work at a steek mill and I LOVE IT.
Caitlin, I know you must work over the weekends because every public school teacher I ever had would wine about how much work they did over the weekend. Funny my father worked 6 days a week about 12 hours a day and I don't think he eveer complained or reminded people that he worked on the weekend. Come to think of it I know plenty of people who work on the weekend and never brag or complain about it. Why do all teachers think that their the only ones that work on the weekends?