Why is it that we as humans so easily find other groups of people to stereotype and become suspicious of?

Why don't we stereotype people positively or become extremely trusting of certain groups all of a sudden? Like if something good was done by a certain race or group, that we imagined all of that kind were the best humans out there. What if we constantly thought about importing certain kinds of people to improve our country etc.

Below is the controvercial post that was deleted and inspired me.

One guy had said: We should deport xyz

I told him that his brain is operating in a primitive and instinctual way that is very dangerous. As humans we have a tendency to vilify the "Others". It breeds hatred and leads to uncivilized behavior.

Instead of hating, being paranoid, anti-semetic, homophobic, racist or whatever else would activate that same part of your brain, try the opposite.

Think about what kind of people we could import!

I have always trusted the Jewish people to be good at science.

Asians to be good at refining technology.

Germans are good at making beer.

We need to import people, not deport people. Think positive, not negative.