hi whom ever read this i hope you can help me. i'm in a prodicoment what is, i have recently turned 18 and decided to go for a contract phone BUT i have a visa electron cash card and i went into three mobile and they asked for ID (now i understand why but this is where it becomes discrimination) i have bad eye sight there for i can't get any sort of drivers liceince and i have iver left the country so i don't have a pass port (and there no point investin in one when i'm niver going to leave the country) so because i niver had sufishent ID they denied me which is understandable i am outraged at this situation so much so that my mother has writen to major papers about this but i want to take this further because i am not the only person who must have the situation i do how ever have a bus pass that is issued by a govement body but i can't use it as ID so what i ask is who do i write to
thank you

R Browning

p.s i don't see the point in waitin my time and money for an ID card when i already have ID (my bus pass)