I would like to ask those who wonder why people are gay... why it makes a difference to anyone? Why should it matter? They have their own personal reasons for being who they are, so why not just accept them for being who they feel they are? I have two gay kids of my own, and I can see both sides of "why?" Hereditary, and Choice, one you are born with and the second is caused by the need to be gay, fighting what they have been taught is wrong, but choosing to follow their heart. I know I'll get alot of guff about the choice version, but after having counseled several abuse victims, they have made it a choice due to circumstance and the fact that they no longer trust or are repulsed by the opposite sex. And as for my kids, the gene runs in the family as we have several gay relatives, including a grandparent that came out of the closet at the age of 70.