private a lot. Why? I have a 1 year and 2 mon. Havanese dog. She's generally really hyper and barking, but not in the past two days or so. But she wouldn't eat her food either; she just sniffs and walk away. I thought it was the unusual change of weather that might've affected her, but this seems more serious.She's been whining to me a lot lately and it's like she's trying to tell me something. I notice that she would lick her private area for practically five minutes! I checked to see what's wrong and her vagina seems a tiny bit red but not swollen, maybe it's from the licking. Unusually, she has been sleeping under my bunk bed continuously now, even though it's cramped down there. I was thinking maybe an ant bit her while she was sleeping down there? I'm taking her to the vet today to have her checked out. Anybody got answers now? Thank you so much!