get illegally? I see many comments on this board about people who are here illegally, or know someone who is, and who came here to earn money in jobs that typically hire them illegally. Why then, do they slam the american people because they can only get certain jobs? Afterall, they're here illegally. If I were to illegally immigrate to another country, I'd be forced to take the low paying jobs too.
dancf - I think you are taking this question in the wrong direction. I'm talking about those who attend the rallies, post on Yahoo answers, complaining about being some white person's gardener. Don't misinterpret my question. I completely respect ever leve of the working class, legal or otherwise. I DO NOT respect anyone talking smack about my country, because they THINK they're entitled. My singlemother came from Europe, and with 6 kids, cleaned houses, and cooked for a living, but never complained. She worked her way to success.

dancf - I think you are taking this question in the wrong direction. I'm talking about those who attend the rallies, post on Yahoo answers, complaining about being some white person's gardener. Don't misinterpret my question. I completely respect ever leve of the working class, legal or otherwise. I DO NOT respect anyone talking smack about my country, because they THINK they're entitled. My singlemother came from Europe, and with 6 kids, cleaned houses, and cooked for a living, but never complained. She worked her way to success.
dancf - you clearly do ntot live in Southern California. You can go to ANY street corner, in front of ANY Dollar store, most gas stations and and there are mexican and white pan-handlers there. GET REAL!! I did not say they shouldn't be able to take jobs others dont want, I asked why they complain about it. and newsflash: the uneducated american population also take lower paying jobs. Why should uneducated AND illegal immigrants expect anythiing better?