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Type: Posts; User: Omstarts

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  1. Hartlepool receives a toxic aircraft carrier the French don't want... revenge for

    the monkey hanging in 1772?

    I am, tongue-in-cheek, referring to the tale of a monkey being hung in Hartlepool during the Napoleonic wars, on...
  2. Is there a conspiracy theory or suspicion you hold dear to you?

    I fervently believe that that late eighties-early nineties rave/acid-house drug culture was kick-started, not by the influence of the music scene taking off in Ibiza or the proliferation of raves,...
  3. If C4 paid more for higher production to get genuine A-list celebrities for

    'Big Brother', would it improve? I do not watch 'BB'. I was railroaded into watching the opening night. After a seriously frightening realisation that I fancied Latoya AND had a curious weakness for...
  4. Where can I read, in the UK, a collection of stories on Japanese fables/mythology?

    I read a few snippets, including the tale of Bishamon and the story of the swords Muramasa/Masamune.

    Where can I find a collection such stories? Any suggestions?
  5. Internet safeguards for children - is 'age ratings' for sites the most...

    ...ridiculous government suggestion yet? Source - BBC News:-

    Now, I may have been a freakish little boy aged 10-15, but one thing I always knew. If a...
  6. Will Smith is currently the highest paid actor in Hollywood - justified?

    I am not naive enough to assume that acting talent should be equal to earning potential.

    But Will Smith???? Come on.

    How can a man who released three (I think) songs with the immortal rap hook...
  7. Will Smith is currently the highest paid actor in Hollywood - justified?

    I am not naive enough to assume that acting talent should be equal to earning potential.

    But Will Smith???? Come on.

    How can a man who released three (I think) songs with the immortal rap hook...
  8. Why did 7,000+ santas running through Liverpool on Sunday not get more recognition?

    It states 7,000+ santas (7,032 if you analyse the...
  9. The problem with that Skidoo, is that the...

    The problem with that Skidoo, is that the judicial system is very reluctant to change, and the internet, as established, is now truly un-policable. Besides, I am not so sure it is the judicial system...
  10. Will Boy George finally be the celebrity who gets punished properly for

    breaking the law? Let us be clear on his charges:-

    1 count of assualt, 1 count of false imprisonment.

    The same charges applied to the offenders in the Securicor raid.

    These are very serious...
  11. If your child is screaming/playing up in a public place, how do you deal with it?

    A few initial bits of info - I am not a parent myself, and this is aimed at children aged 3 years old upwards, not babies as I understand they cry for a reason.

    Now, without being boring, I had...
  12. Martina Navaratilova - The first deservedly famous person to enter a reality TV Show?

    I was utterly perplexed by this.

    For anyone not aware, she is entering the latest series of 'I'm a Celebrity.....'

    Here is one of the most successful women in Tennis history. Yes, she is going...
  13. Replies

    If a function is raised to a negative (-) power,...

    If a function is raised to a negative (-) power, it becomes a reciprocal of the function i.e. x^-2 is 1/x^2

    So, e^-(infinity) is actually 1/e^infinity,

    Which is 1/infinity, which tends to zero....
  14. Replies

    If a function is raised to a negative (-) power,...

    If a function is raised to a negative (-) power, it becomes a reciprocal of the function i.e. x^-2 is 1/x^2

    So, e^-(infinity) is actually 1/e^infinity,

    Which is 1/infinity, which tends to zero....
  15. Thoughts on UK Universities over-subscription?

    Fairly recently, I read that the Government/Universities department had 'grossly' underestimated the number of people going to University in 2009 and there is to be a massive shortfall in the grants...
  16. Faith, the problem is, as reported in several UK...

    Faith, the problem is, as reported in several UK documentaries (Dispatches did a particularly good one) the huge influx of immigrants has helped to fuel/mask the human trafficking/child prostitution...
  17. In hindsight, was it a mistake to abolish Poll Tax?

    I was talking with a friend last night who is vastly superior to me with his political and current affairs knowledge. He started to suggest to me that Poll Tax would have ensured a much fairer way of...
  18. UK current fashion trends - girls, are pointy shoes no longer hip?

    My God,

    Walking down Bond Street/Oxford Circus in the pointy shoes vintage years: August 2004 - Summer 2007 was awfully dangerous in a crowded area. Whereas normally people step on your feet,...
  19. Your local photo machine will no doubt prefer a...

    Your local photo machine will no doubt prefer a compressed format (RAW is uncompressed, and hence large in size).

    Any digital camera I have had has always converted pictures into JPEG format - I...
  20. Are some modern popular music videos a bit too explicit these days?

    Please don't think I'm a prude - I loved Bananarama shaking themselves around a mock-up cell singing of how they stood "Acuuu-used of love in the first degree"....

    Surely though some of today's...
  21. Television?

  22. Survey - Have you ever met one of your idols, and were they up to your expectations?

    Met the guy who plays Super Hans in the UK series 'Peep Show' in a pub in Carnaby Street. He was almost exactly like his character (probably playing up to it I guess) but he was really friendly, let...
  23. Sainsbury's.... 2 tins of Cadbury's Roses.... for...

    Sainsbury's.... 2 tins of Cadbury's Roses.... for £10!!!!

    EDIT:- Would just like to wish everyone a happy evening... looks like it could all go Safeway from here.....
  24. On the whole, are we satisfied with how schools teach children in the UK?

    I'm interested to know if parents feel the range, and standard of teaching is of a good level; also if we are 'mollycoddling' children too much; has a lot of political correctness flooded into how...
  25. Are there any 'classic' films or books everyone raves over, that you...

    ...didn't think much of? I am currently getting towards the end of The Shining.... I loved the film, and while the book plugs many of the gaps (not least the weird scene near the end with the man in...
Results 1 to 25 of 70
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