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Type: Posts; User: Daphne

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  1. Replies

    How to chat in yahoo messenger?

    i just download but nothing happen....
  2. Is there a place on the internet where I can see what happened to the...

    ...characters in Anne Frank's diary? I know that there is a group of people who currently study Anne Frank's diary and that there is an organization that goes under her name.

    The reason why I...
  3. Does anyone know what's the name of this song in Gossip Girl?

    It is in the first episode of the second season, Summer, Kind of Wonderful. It is the background music for the first scenes, where they give a quick review of what happened in the previous season....
  4. It is naive to expect that the media would be...

    It is naive to expect that the media would be unbiased in Politics, especially because the media is in the business to make money and gain viewers.
    It has always been, that news sells to a targeted...
  5. At what point would you cut your (recreational) internet connection, to save money?

    How essential is the internet to you? Not counting for earning money.
    Would you cut your TV before your internet?
    I'm curious about the priorities of others. it used to be that people would cut...
  6. Ross, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Kohl's

    Ross, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Kohl's
  7. Cause they're all attention whores... LOL

    Cause they're all attention whores... LOL
  8. What should we do to Celebrate Twilight Opening?

    My friend and I are obsessed with the twilight series we are going to see the movie tomorrow and want to continue the twilight theme throughout the night what are some foods we can make or activities...
  9. It is naive to expect that the media would be...

    It is naive to expect that the media would be unbiased in Politics, especially because the media is in the business to make money and gain viewers.
    It has always been, that news sells to a targeted...
  10. Looking for an experienced dog groomer who's gentle and kind to clean up my

    fluffy maltese for me? Looking for locals who love their groomer enough to refer them...Ventura County, CA - Thousand Oaks/Simi Valley area
    Thank you in advance!
  11. Hey! I'm glad that you are curious about this...

    Hey! I'm glad that you are curious about this topic :) A 3 min video from my church website may help you to understand about christianity =P

    To sum it all, christianity is NOT a religion, it's a...
  12. Can you make the best Story using excerpts from Yahoo Answers?

    Answers, or questions, but no answers or questions that are already complete stories.
  13. What is the name of the little girl in the music video, "Video Killed the Radio

    Star"? Here is the video:

    I wonder what she's up to now and how old she is? Perhaps she is the lead singer's daughter. Anyone know?
  14. Replies

    iPhone Commercial song.?

    I'm pretty sure it's an iPhone. It might something else though....
    The song doesn't have words, it's just instruments. This boy, he's about 16, is conducting the iPhone and the music.
  15. Replies

    iTouch or iPhone Commercial song?

    I don't know which one it is. Sorry.
    The song doesn't have words, it's just instruments. This boy, he's about 16, is conducting the iPhone/iPod/iTouch and the music.
    I just want the song. What song...
  16. Replies

    look online at Forever21 and Charlotte Russe,...

    look online at Forever21 and Charlotte Russe, they often make dresses that are very similar to the ones that the celebs wear and they're dirt cheap.
Results 1 to 16 of 17
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