Oh. And we definitely didn't even kiss on Saturday, even though we kind of had joked about making out. Nothing.!
This boy and I are talking. He asked me a couple months ago if I wanted to start talking, and I told him I wasn't sure. We continued to text each other pretty much everyday and my friends convinced me to give him a chance, so I decided to, afterall I haven't had a relationship in forever.

We went to a party on Saturday with a bunch of our friends and since then, I feel like he's uninterested. He's not much of a drinker and thats one thing we don't have in common. I was really silly and he wouldn't even talk to me until I sobered up a bit later on in the night and everything was back to how it was before. He used to always text me first, but now I have to text him first.

I'm a bit naive in relationships, actually extremely naive. I've only /really/ dated one guy, and we dated for ages. I really cared about him. I've talked to a couple other guys in between but lately it seems impossible for me to fall for guys.. I don't understand what's wrong and as of right now I'm generally frustrated and I miss the whole relationship thing. It's like I have some guard up and I want to get it down, and I don't know how. All guys aren't jerks amirite?