My 3 teens feel sorry for themselves all the time, I mean, all the time. One of my girls just came to me and was whining because she can not hang out with a friend today. We have family plans that somehow she did not hear about. She had her entire day planned (which included me taking her shopping - something she did not tell me). So, poor her does not feel ready for school, she never knows what is going on because no one ever tells her. HELLO! How about asking me if there is anything planned?

Now she's whining about how no one thinks she is as good as her older brother ("he's in band and everyone thinks that is great") . Well, she went to band camp and dropped out, but somehow, poor her, no one thinks she is great.

I gave it to her. I told her that no one was going to praise her for doing nothing and if she wanted to know what was planned, she should take it on herself to ask. I told her to stop feeling sorry for herself and making excuses.

Any advice?