Ok...so I just wanna know how hard it is to get like a boyfriend or whatever in high school. I mean I know from personal experience that it's nearly impossible, but will it ever happen. I mean I'm a sophomore in high school and I just can't find any other gus to even formulate crushes on. I'm gay by the way, but anyway I think I am also kinda afraid to like anyone because every guy where I live is straight. There is this one feminine defiantly gay guy at my school, but I am defiantly not interested in him...I just don't really get into the femme's cuz I wanna feel protected.

But anyway I don't really completely know what I am asking, but do you think it's possible to b afraid to like anyone because the last guy you fell in love with was straight, and even though he flirts with you 24/7 nothing is gonna come from it...IDK basically, I feel like I don't wanna get hurt. I know I could probably get a bf, I think I'm fairly attractive, and girls ask me out all the time (I'm a guy btw). So yeah any insight on whatever I am talking about here? IDK do y'all get me?

I mean I haven't dated anyone since february (and it was a girl) ugh I know people have gotta think something's up with me and my friends always ask why I think like every girl is ugly. I just don't know...I guess basically advice on being gay or something like that would be cool...
Lol choose to be straight...jezus I tried that sh*t for 3 years...dd't wrk out my narrow-minded friend. Did you choose to be straight?
Thanks Lucien...

Lol another difference....I'm not very masculine. I'm definatly not feminene, but I'm not strong at all. I gots a deep voice and all. I'm like a skater punk dude..but I dont skate cuz I think its lame. Im real skinny (125), and im like 6"0.

But I mean I get asked out by girls like everyday...so I don't see why I don't get tat from guys lolz