hysterical cries & screams? My baby is 11 weeks old and used to nurse every hour and a half during the day (breastfed only). He would go to sleep at around 8:30pm after the last feeding and wake up 6 hours later to eat, then again 2 hours later and would finally wake up around 6-7am. He hardly slept during the day, maybe 2-3 hours in total. Starting 4 days ago, going into his 11th week, he started eating every 2.5-3 hours and sleeping more during the day. The change was very sudden and the problem is that it came with crying and screaming… he would eat around 7am, then play for 2 hours or so and become fussy. Fussy turns to whining and then crying and screaming and there’s no calming him down. At first we assumed he’s hungry after 2 hours, but putting him to the breast would result in turning his head, kicking, crying and screaming. We try to rock him to sleep and get the same result. After about 15 minutes of hysterical cries he will normally fall asleep for like half an hour to an hour and wake up hungry to feed. It’s not gas (he gets Mylicon), I didn’t change my diet and nothing else changed as far as we know. I’ve read that at this age it’s normal to be fed every 2-3 hours and nap during the day. But as much as I researched I couldn’t figure if it’s normal that the change is so sudden (within a day) and not gradual and I am frustrated and distressed that every 2-3 hours or so we have to get through this crying/screaming cycle. I know babies have hard time falling asleep, but I’m worried because usually we respond to his cues to avoid him crying but lately it doesn’t seem to work. When he starts fussing we’ll put him to eat, he wouldn’t take it so we’ll try to rock him to sleep, and as I said before that also results in clenched fists, incontrollable cries and screams. I don’t know if he’s falling asleep because he’s really tired or just crying himself to sleep. It breaks my heart that I don’t know what to do and if there’s anything else that we should be doing. Please advise... Thank you!