Ok here's the problem... my life feels like it's just not really all that great right now. I have almost no contact with any friends or family. I'm 25 y/o and still working at the same job that I started at in HS and have made it to middle manager (yippie) but massivly dead end and soul-sucking (pay=fail too).

I HAVE been diagnosed w. depression but I'm not treating it.

I'm afraid I'm nocturnal... I'm having a really hard time staying awake durring the day. I'm basically living my life backwards... I wish I could have this type of energy durring the day. I've been thinking nursing or counciling (to get good $ and work night shift... but I"m already a certified teacher, even though I'm sure I'll never get a teaching job)

My insurance blows and I can't really get help w/o breaking the bank.

My friends think I have my priorities all mixed up. I should be devoted to looking for a better/real adult job... I just lack all motivation. Every time I look at my resume I want to cry.

I like learning Japanese, and drowing myself in it as well as food to numb myself.

Has anyone had good luck with some sort of self-help or book, or something? I feel like I'm in a rut and I don't really know what to do to get out. I just don't want to still be here 10+ years down the line (I've actually almost been like this for 10 years, really scary)