I get a huge amount of homework. Either my teachers know and don't care, or they just have no idea. I can't start it until about 4:30 (My school ends at 4;00, takes a while to get back) and I end up doing it until 9:00. Usually I just barely finish.

I don't have enough time to eat dinner or have breaks. My parents think it's unhealthy. They want to call and complain, but I'm scared the teachers will be mad at me. So I tell them not to.

Other kids at my school have the same problem, they tell me. So what should I do?

I think there was a law passed a while ago about a school's homework limit. Though I'm pretty sure they've gone way passed the limit. Lol.
I'm pretty good at learning actually. I understand the homework well, there's just so much of it.