i live in a two bedroom townhome in a community with my mother, grandmother, sister, cat and moms boyfriend. we recently got a new puppy, he is very cute, cuddly and not trained. so he pees and poos sometimes indoors, for training purposes we leave him outside with a doggy door. he gets lonely sometimes and whines when he does so we bring him inside. keep in mind all my neighbors are old, fat, retired and bitter. the president of the homeowners association lives right next door. another ugly bald one lives across these two have been at it with my puppy for the longest time. the fat one next to us is confused with another dog that is barking,she said so herself. today my mom had to go to a hearing,i tagged along and they arent very nice people. they dismissed her as soon as she said her share, very rudely but i digress, when she asked them if the reason we were being picked on was for being mexican it was clear this may be an issue, how do we get them to stop? i'm only 14.