My baby crying kills me, of course. Not to mention, the sound of piercing crying at the end of the evening is beyond aggravating. My baby is almost 1 years old, and still cries herself to sleep at night (unless I give in and rock her to sleep- which... normally happens). She DOES sleep through the night and has had the same bedtime routine since she was 7 months. But, still, after her bedtime bottle, she's very sleepy and I place her in her crib. The moment I step out to leave, the wailing and screaming and sobbing begins, and if I don't go in, it lasts about 20 minutes. If I do go in and hold her, OR stay by her crib, OR pat her chest, OR ANYTHING, she is calm, but will not go to sleep. I can't stay in there forever! The moment I leave again, she screams again, and it starts up all over.
Note: She is an extremely active, happy and curious baby, she's been walking since 9 months, and when I've tried co-sleeping, she kicks me, sits up, and pulls/plays with my hair. I think me being next to her distracts her from sleeping!!

WHAT WOULD YOU DO?? when she is screaming crying at night in her crib!? She just has such a hard time letting go!