...complained thay they 'didn't like them'? I am just wondering. Where I work now I trained this kid right out of college, I am always answering any questions he has and helping him in any way and yet he goes around saying how much he doesn't like me and even told management. I think management would even consider firing someone simply because someone complained that they didn't like a person, and that is what scares me. I don't know what I did wrong. I am always pleasant and nice to him and he always has questions that I answer. I remain pleasant to him even though he complains he doesn't like me. I am a top performer and have bought many ideas to the company that they are using. So should I let this bother me? How should I handle this situation? To top it off, a few people did get fired and you knwo who the first person was he cam to ME - he asked me if I thought he would get fired and he asked me what the other people did so he doen't do it.