I got a perm back in March. The lady that did it says she has been doing hair for 25 years... She TOTALLY fried my hair, and then claimed that it was MY fault, after she took the curly rods outta my hair. I paid her, and left in tears... I was so pissed! I went home, and looked at how bad it looked, and unever the hair was cut, even though she claimed to have cut it. I had to go somewhere else and have them re-cut the hair, since it looked AWEFUL! The styling I saw the sems day, to fix it, at another salon said she over processed my hair....
I have had my hair ruined now TWICE in 1 lifetime. The 1st time, this lady managed to wash, cut, style my hair in 30min! And she totally BUTCHERED my hair! Now this 2nd lady ruined my hair too. And I had to PAY to have it fixed. What should I do? Im so apprehensive to trust anyone to cut my hair, since everytime I try something new, they fu*k it up!!! Should I complain to the lady that permed my hair? I know her daughter, but I am so mad about

it even tho its been since March. She claims to cut hari so long, but anyone who has indeed cut hair that long, you would think would know what they're doing, right? What should I do? Cause I paid over $100 for this, and she quickly realized that it looked like shit after and that i was pissed, becasue she made up some excise that she has to go to the baNK before it closes... rather then fixing what she messed up! I really feel like writting a letter. But we live in a VERY small town, and everyone knows everyone. She works at a salon with this other lady that is the owner. I just think this is unacceptable, right? Even though its been a while, im still heatted about it everyday when i look in the mirror!