Our Installation manager is married to our Installation supervisor we have no Human Rescource dept. and She does not like taking supervisor calls or etc. He does not enforce her job and she talks about everyone and how do we go about talking to anyone about complaints if we go to him she will know and everyone quits because of the intimidation, they are pretty close to the ceo. What do we do?
1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.
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58 minutes ago

They also go out and drink w/lots of our employees, this causes lots of favoritism, so you cannot complain about anyone in their group which equals about 20 or so. There are two seperate teams and the other supervisors team is absolutely organized and as I said hers is not. She will not take anyones suggestions unless its one of the ones she hangs out with, anyone else she will say and you are whom? So we have low employee rate , no one last here.