So my boyfriend and I of two years just broke up last night and I'm actually really happy about it cause he was like verbally abusuve. The other night I was hanging out with my friend and her brother (he's 25, she's 26, and I'm 23) and he ended up getting drunk (I was a little bit too) and we were being super flirty and he put his arm around me and we were talking. Well I talked to my friend about it and she is cool with me liking her brother.

We've been texting a bit. I told him I was apartment shopping and he told me to move to the city he lives in, I think jokingly. And he told me he wants to test out my new car, and we've been talking about taking little road trips...I don't want to rush into anything but he's super sweet, cute, smart and successful. Does it seem like he is possibly into me?