Orbital Radius of a satellite / Banked Curves ( MCQ )?


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Need help with these two multiple choice questions related to phyiscs...
1. The orbital radius of a satellite circling the Earth

a. is directly proportional to its orbital speed
b. is the same for all satellites
c. depends only on its orbital speed
d. depends only on its mass
e. depends on both its orbital speed and its mass

I'm guessing its 'a' or 'e', but not sure which one is right since I don't have the answers with me
2. The reason that curves on roads are often banked is because

a. the coefficient of kinetic friction is increased
b. the coefficient of static friction is increased
c. the gravitational force acting on the car is reduced
d. the normal force acting on the car is reduced
e. a component of the normal force can contribute to the centripetal force

For this one, I think its 'b' or 'e'.

Thanks to anyone that helps =D