Politic spin:Dick Cheney admits he helped make terrorism stronger now fears


New member
Oct 15, 2008
attack on US under Obamas' watch? Politico had an interview with Dick Cheney, he says he is confident that the US will be attacked, Obama is naive.
Which would you say is most true, that 9-11 happened under Bush/Cheney because of ignored threats? or launching illegal war on a country that had nothing to do with 9-11 made the terrorist stronger giving refuge to them while taking as much focus off in Afghanistan ,harm to our military and losing life in Iraq, where no bin Laden was ,rather Saddam Hussein whom had nothing to do with 9-11?The media should not give Cheney the time of day and get busy inquiring about how to prosecute the men that helped this country into 11trillion dollars of debt, giving democracy to another nation at the expense of ours. Do you remember what the name for that is?
Yes, political spin is exactly what it is!!

Clinton is responsible for 9/11 through 8 years of inaction! Just like Rwanda!
You poor deluded lass. Dick Cheney and President Obama's right hand man, Vice President Joe Biden are exactly right. Obama will be challenged by a terrorist attack precisely because he has weakened our position in the world and pandered to those who would see the USA destroyed. What's most true about 9-11 is that it occured during Bush's presidency but the planning and the execution for the plan begain during the Clinton years.

In terms of debt, the Democrats have had the Congress for two plus years...and what have they done? Nada, nothing...and in fact, now want to increase our national debt by more than a trillion dollars with a single stroke of the pen.

There are no apologies to be given for Iraq. Hussein was a despot and the recent Iraqi free elections and continued assumption of their own national security is a testament to the Bush doctrine and the sacrifices made by our men in women in uniform.
Treason and 5000+ murders are crimes that should end in a death penalty; but we're talking about dear old Dick and George. I doubt that they will get more than a slap on their wrists with an ostrich feather. With the way Bush II and Cheney the I left our nation in financial ruins, they may become of less concern for people who are losing their jobs, homes, and investments. But this is a big nation and a lot of people know the sources of their plights.
Cheney is Evil. I'd say that Abu Ghraib and Gitmo were the best recruiting tools the terrorists ever had. Launching a war on a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda was a stupid waste of blood and resources that allowed the terrorists to regroup in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Furthermore, Iraq and Iran held each other nicely in check. Now with Iraq destroyed, Iran is free to export its version of extremist Islam.

Funny thing though: if Cheney says that any attack from here on out is Obama's fault, then isn't he implying that 9/11 was his and Bush's fault? Is this finally his backhand way of taking responsibility at least for that?
First of all... For 8 years (which by the way saw more than 1/2 a dozen attacks on the U.S. both home and abroad, and more than 1000 U.S. citizens KILLED), Clinton did nothing to stop what everyone KNEW was coming.

What he DID do, along with Pelosi, is change federal law enforcement rules that would not allow FBI and CIA agents present evidence they needed for warrants against AT LEAST 2 of the 9/11 hijackers..

It was being planned as far back as 1998... And CLINTON KNEW ABOUT IT!

1993 - WTC bombed
1996 - U.S. housing in Saudi Arabia bombed
1998 - 2 U.S. Embassies in Africa bombed
2000 - U.S.S. Cole in Yemen bombed

How many terrorist attacks have been successful since 2001?

Come one now. If you are going to spew hate, AT LEASE have the courage to give all sides... give ALL facts!

You are filled with HATE just like most other Americans.
I DARE you to tell the families of the 300,000 Kurds who were ethnically cleansed under Saddam that they simply don't deserve the same freedom we have.
Its about time we heard an Intelligent rebuttal to some of the pro-conservative hate Obama stuff out there this week
Dick Cheney appears to hoping for a terrorist attack on Obama's watch so he can say "told you so."

Sad, but I don't see any other reason why he would discuss something publically that doesn't really need to be said.
We should not give Dick Cheney the time of day. He is done, nix, over. The Middle East disliked Bush/Cheney, You are 100% accurate. Dick Cheney needs to take a ride in his wheelchair , right into a locked up Nursing Home. How many of our Taxpayers dollars did he slip into his wallet and didn't do one damned thing to earn it ?