Doesn't atheism cause problems, not religion?

People say that religion cause all problems. But look at communist China, Hitler, Stalin, North Korea. All atheist. All have killed more people than any other events in history -- combined.
Hitler WAS NOT A CHRISTIAN. I don't understand -- truly, I don't -- why people even put forth that argument.
And as for North Korea -- it isn't Buddhist!! Really?
And as for North Korea -- it isn't Buddhist!! Really?
Steve H. -- No he's not. And I'm talking about murder, war, not famine and disease, you moron.
Holden Caulfield: The Holocaust WAS NOT BECAUSE OF FRICKING RELIGION. Why do you guys not see this? Just because Hitler called himself a Christian doesn't mean he was!
Holden Caulfield: The Holocaust WAS NOT BECAUSE OF FRICKING RELIGION. Why do you guys not see this? Just because Hitler called himself a Christian doesn't mean he was!
???????: Christians aren't perfect, idiot.
Michael K: So anyone can just claim that they are a psychologist, and that's what they are? Or a basketball player? Or a CHRISTIAN?? Yes Hitler claimed that, but OF COURSE he was not.
Jayden's Aunt: Communist China, Stalin, AND Hitler all killed those who were religious! How can you claim otherwise!? Ever heard of religious persecution??!
Jayden's Aunt: No, actually they were killed for being Christian. In China (back 100 years or so) Government officials would barge into houses that held Christians and would torture them. Read up, man.
Danny Ravencroft: It also says in the Bible that the Jews are God's people. So Hitler either didn't read the Bible, or chose to ignore it and alter it toward his beliefs.
i believe there only 2 types of people. good people and bad people !!
all of us fighting like this cause problems !!! we should open heartedly search for knowledge stop accusing each other !!
Why can't you accept that Hitler was a christian and killed in the name of your god.

The folkish-minded man, in particular, has the sacred duty, each in his own denomination, of making people stop just talking superficially of God's will, and actually fulfil God's will, and not let God's word be desecrated. For God's will gave men their form, their essence and their abilities. Anyone who destroys His work is declaring war on the Lord's creation, the divine will.

Mein Kampf
Hitler specifically said that atheists were to be eliminated from his State. Do your research.

If there were more people around in the Middle Ages, many, many more would have died in the name of religion than in the name of Communism. Don't see your point.
Even if Hitler and company were atheist, they didn't kill people BECAUSE they were atheist.

On the other hand, the 9/11 Hijackers, Inquisition Popes were religious, and killed people because of their religion.
Wrong again.
Atheism is simply the understanding that ALL gods are imaginary. It has nothing to do with totalitarian regimes. That's an asinine straw-man argument that isn't worthy of a 10 year old.
Oh and for the record, Hitler and Stalin were both christians. Pwnd.
If you're Christian, why are you calling Steve a moron? I thought you are supposed to love thy neighbour.

Edit: Wow, you're rude AND immature!
False. And false.

Hitler, as many pointed out already, was a theist. Whether or not you want to employ the No True Scotsman fallacy and claim that he wasn't a "true" Christian is immaterial. He was a theist.

You do realize that what people mean by "religion cause all problems" is that they're talking about people killing in the name of religion. None of the people you cite - even those who were personally atheists - committed any crimes in the name of atheism, to further atheism, or for the "glory" of atheism. No one ever flew a plane into a building while crying "atheism is great" or bombed a building screaming "for the glory of atheism," you know.

Religious zealots kill and die with the name of their gods or their religions on their lips. I challenge you to name one person who committed a similar crime in the name of atheism.

Added: Killing religious people because they challenge the state's iron grip on power is not the same as killing in the name of atheism, pumpkin.

People were killed because they didn't obey the state, not for being religious. Those regimes had functioning puppet "approved" religious institutions that did not challenge the state.
Dictatorships, totalitarian states and fascism cause problems. Please do not confuse forms of government with lack of belief in deities.
How many of these atrocities were done in the name of atheism instead of Communism, Hitler, Stalin, Kim Jung-Il, etc.?

Tell me.

You say Hitler's not a Christian, yet he wrote: "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.."

"Just because Hitler called himself a Christian doesn't mean he was!"

Do you know any TRUE Scotsmen?

Also, North Korea is ruled by a dictator. Did you rule that in?
last time i checked, atheists don't use car-bombs

and you must not know much about the spanish inquisition or the crusades
The crimes perpetrated by the people you mentioned weren't caused by their atheism. Saying "He killed people and he was atheist, therefore atheism kills" is like saying "He killed people and he was a vegetarian, therefore vegetarianism leads to genocide."

"People say that religion cause all problems" Really? Who are these people?

Also, I think you'll find they haven't killed more people than any other events, are you implying that if you take everyone that died from every disease, all those mauled by animals and so on and total them up you get less than Hitler killed? Nice try.
yeah hitler was definitely not catholic. maybe he was raised that way and said he was christian and all but anyone could say that...

really the cause of all problems isn't atheism or religion. its the disagreement between the 2.
Yes, plus, you have to remember the deaths of a couple million during Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, in an effort to create an Atheist marxist government.