Guilty feelings after car accident that was not my fault?


Jun 2, 2008
Yesterday morning I was driving to school with one of my guy friends.

Our school is kind of on the outskirts of the city so there is a lot of undeveloped land and sort of isolated roads and houses out there...

It was a very sunny and beautiful day, and I was driving down the main road that goes right to our school, and suddenly some really big ass van magically appears out of nowhere and rear-ends me really, really hard.

My dad's sunfire went into a tail spin before it hit the street light pole and rolled over into the ditch... and that was it.

I was perfectly unharmed save for a few cuts on my arms from all the broken glass. I undid my seat belt (thank God I was wearing one) and climbed out of the gaping hole where wind shield had been just seconds earlier.

I climbed out of the ditch and called 911 on my cell phone. While I was waiting I quickly began to panic because my friend was still inside the car and he did not appear to be moving.

The EMT's arrived and I assured them I was perfectly fine and to just go and help my friend who was still inside the car. I said as little as possible to the cops because I personally am not fond of them at all.

Before I knew it, they'd had to bring out the jaws of life out just to get my friend out of the car, and it took them just over half an hour to do it. I don't think I'll ever forget how guilt and sadness stabbed me like a knife when they pulled my limp, bloody and nearly unconscious friend from the wreckage.

I called my Dad and he came and picked me up and we went home.

All I did for the rest of the day was bawl and cry my eyes out because I felt very sad and guilty about what happened.

Dad's car is a total loss, and my friend is still in the hospital. He has bruises and cuts everywhere, and a broken leg, and three broken ribs.

I feel like what happened was my fault. Even though Dad assured me that it was not, and my friend when I went to visit him in the hospital today, but I still feel like I could have prevented it somehow.

And to think, I just got my driving license last month.