My view on Karate and Kung Fu?


Apr 5, 2008
I apologize for my previous questions.

I asked them because I love martial arts that are different because it is rather nice to have things different and follow different ways to greet gesture your opponent, or different forms that have little to no resemblence to eachother.

The reason I said Okinawan Karate is half kung fu because I've read history about it this is one of the sites that told me okinawan karate is half kung fu because It is said that the traditional Okinawan martial arts called Te and Chinese Kenpo were blended together and developed into karate.

The truth is I didn't like karate because in movies kung fu looked more fluid and I liked the style because of how they move. Really I don't know a martial arts movie that made karate look wirefu or well choreographed.

Then I thought of Okinawan Karate the original karate and I thought it was more fluid than any other form of karate the way I saw it but then I saw Shotokan. I don't know what I think about karate anymore, I was considering taking okinawan karate because it looked more fluid, I didn't think about shotokan because I thought it was another karate style and to what I saw most karate styles focused on fighting and unflashy moves but this proved me wrong

That being said I would like to ask this

In a martial arts sports performance which style has the most stylish/flashiest form and moves actually let's make it simple is there any form karate or other martial arts that do as much or more beautiful stances than Chinese Wushu.

This is the last question you'll hear from me concerning karate and kung fu questions.
I'm not taking any form of karate anymore.
I will say that every person will tell you a different answer depending on what they like. I (like yourself) prefer Kung Fu because I feel it looks more fluid and graceful I also like TaeKwonDo much better than Karate because to me Taekwondo movements done by a proffessional person look more graceful. Karate to me look very hard a hard style and not as flexible or graceful..the movement seem slower and heavy rather than a light movement and faster movement but mybe this is because I specifically used to watching Kyokushinkai Karate rather than Okinawan Karate.